As far as good intentions, I’ve held back on some of them in the past, especially last year, and we can pretty much agree that 2009 was a year of great challenges and change for many of us.

Are you ready for new beginnings?

I certainly am and I intend to make the rest of this year more focused on creating more opportunity, gains in finances, clarity and joy, and of course more mindful travel adventures. I often write about destination spas because I believe in them for personal growth, self-improvement, relaxation, rejuvenation, and personal reinvention. A destination spa can also help you get clear and define what you want to bring into your life, especially as we move into this new decade, and to that end I’ve put together a list of the top ten best intentions, ideas and inspiration to help you go ahead.

We are the creators of the life we ​​want to have, and while the lessons have been many and difficult at times, we can make positive choices now that will move us forward and beyond our wildest dreams. Start with one step, then another, then another. So if you’re ready to take action and let go, then this is for you.

1. Most resolutions to join a gym have already faded, so consider making it a point to add more activity to your day. Take a walk, consider a yoga or Pilates class, find a Wii (I enjoyed the baseball option with my niece and nephew). The key is to do something you enjoy and you will stick with it.

2. You’ve heard the phrase, “diets don’t work,” so consider cutting back, watching your portions, eating less, adding more whole grains, lean protein, fruits, vegetables, and cutting back on salt and sugar. .and doing more of #1 above.

3. Have you given up dating? Consider inviting friends over for a night of wine tasting and conversation. Invite your friends to bring a bottle (set a price range) and do your own tasting. Rate the wines and find out which ones are the most popular and offer the best value for money.

4. Are you an impulsive buyer or do you have a habit of having a cup of coffee just for the heck of it? First, consider whether you really want or need the item, and if not, put that money into a travel fund. Take that vacation you’ve been putting off and open yourself up to a world of culture, great food, amazing wines and adventure.

5. “They” said the web would change our lives and it certainly has in many ways. So maybe it’s time to reconsider the time spent on excessive web surfing and online gaming (and obsessive working hours). Set the intention to reconnect with friends and family more often. It can be as simple as an afternoon or evening sharing good food, wine, games (board games or outdoor activities) and conversation. Your relationships will improve as will your health!

6. Those who care unite! Live today because we know we can’t change yesterday or obsess over tomorrow. Consider starting a journal, like Desire Journal, and write down what you’d like to bring into your life, such as deeper friendships/relationships, healthier eating, more activity, a getaway to the beach, gathering with family/friends, more time for yourself . , read at least one book a month, form a wine club, etc. What we do today will have an effect on tomorrow.

7. Are you a man (or woman) yes? Consider saying no. We can all agree that the world moves at a fast pace and time seems to go by much faster (especially as we get older). Many of us fill every moment with work/projects, home/life, volunteering, etc. and sometimes it is necessary to take a step back and have an eagle’s eye view of your life.

8. Try to relax more! There are many ways to relax and yes of course I am in favor of going to a spa for a massage or other service, however you can also set up a sanctuary area in your home. Scented aromatherapy candles, a comfortable sitting area, relaxing tea, soothing music and a good book or just some time alone to contemplate your life are all soothing. Oh, and there’s the Desire Journal you started (#6 above).

9. Get more information. Is there something you’ve wanted to do and put it off year after year? Make this the year you refocus your attention and get down to business! Maybe learning a second language, getting another degree, or learning to cook has been on your list. Whatever, there’s probably something on your list, and if not now, when?

10. Create your own Reality Show! Day after day we hear something about one of the reality shows. What about your own life? You have so much more to gain when you pay more attention to your own reality. Get out there. Involve. Make difference.

Consider starting with these ideas and intentions and let them inspire you to take whatever steps you decide to take to make Twenty Ten your best year yet.

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