Why start a business on your own? The United States is now officially in recession. What are you doing or thinking about doing to change the income stream in your household? With the unemployment rate rising rapidly, many Americans are thinking about diversifying their income. There are thousands of Americans who are willing to live up to the ‘Entrepreneur’ label, the question is how will they use their talent?

The author of The One Minute Entrepreneur, Ken Blanchard states: “There are two large populations interested in entrepreneurship. The first is the youth, Gen Y. They have seen their parents be loyal corporate workers and be undersized, inadequate, and blown out of proportion. The other group is baby boomers. They’re told they have to retire, but if they retire, they’re going to die. So they’re starting companies.”

Traditional Businesses: A recent survey showed that 72 percent of Americans dream of starting their own business. You may be one of them, but like most Americans, you may not have the capital to start a business. For example, buying a Quizno franchise would make you a business owner, but you’d need more than $188,000 just to get started. Don’t have that kind of cash lying around?

Enter the business of network marketing Chance: How can the average family have their own business in today’s economy? One avenue is a network marketing business. The appeal of the network marketing business is not only the low cost to start, but also the long-term results. The goal of most network marketers is to eventually get to the point where they can sit back and enjoy their hard work. That’s called Residual Income. There are many ways to generate residual income. One common way is to write a popular book. Residual income is generated from the sale of the book and you receive a check (even if you weren’t there to personally sell the book).

Of course, not all of us are going to write that best-selling book and these days we don’t have to to build a residual income. That’s because of network marketing. We now have a tool that the average person can use and be successful with. Of course, when I say ‘average’ I don’t mean ‘lazy’. And sadly, many people are presented with a network marketing opportunity in a way that encourages laziness. ‘You can make money doing nothing!’ It’s a good thought, but very inaccurate. To succeed, you need to do it with the pride and work ethic that you would apply to the Quizno franchise you passed up that would have cost you nearly $200k.

BEING a business owner. It will require commitment and determination in time, money (marketing budget) and consistent actions on your part to build and market your business. If you really want to make this your lifestyle, have the ability to make your own decisions, then take the time to really learn how to be a professional! This is why the right network marketing company is not only necessary but vitally important to your future success. You have to choose something that inspires you, a service or a product that you really feel will benefit others. When you are in business to educate others, to help them, and not just yourself, you will be perceived as a professional. If you choose a product or service you don’t believe in, you’re just another salesperson.

Your own personal responsibility: Our human nature is to achieve the best results with the least amount of energy expended. Think about it, by moving our employee mindset into our business, we are setting ourselves up for failure.

When you want to make your own decisions, be your own boss, you better show up to work. There’s not going to be someone there standing next to you holding you accountable, that’s your job now!

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