Popularly known as Westies, Western Highland Dogs are part of the larger family of terrier breeds, so they basically possess most of the characteristics of this breed. So the Westie isn’t really a lapdog, and if that’s what you’re looking for, this isn’t the right dog for you. They are spotlessly white, small dogs that look extremely cute, but they don’t like to be picked up or handled for long periods of time.

What goes into the creation of this energetic little animal?

West Highland terriers were first bred by Colonel Donald Malcolm (Argyll) around 1620 and the 8th Duke of Argyll around 1800. What we see today is the result of over a century of selective breeding for ensure that these dogs have the perfect genetic makeup. Westie got into the habit of digging in the yard because the breed was designed to hunt foxes and rats (vermin in general).

The West Highland Terrier is always bright white. The color used to help when used as a hunting dog, because it was easily distinguishable and therefore hunters (fox and rabbit) did not shoot at it (they mistook it for prey). Their origin also made these dogs tenacious, aggressive and energetic. They use only direct approach to their prey. These dogs are fearless and make excellent watchdogs. His most loved activities are playing and sleeping, and you may notice that a Westie will always sleep in an out of the way place and always with his back against a wall or something else solid.


This dog has two coats: one dense and wiry, the other soft and fluffy. Their coats were designed to protect them against their prey. The coat has the advantage of staying dry, so it does not need frequent baths. These dogs require regular grooming, including daily brushing and, from time to time, for hygienic or cosmetic purposes, trimming of the hair around the mouth, ears, or eyes.

The West Highland White Terrier is normally a healthy breed. Dogs of this type of Scottish terrier breed are mainly found with skin problems. It is not known exactly why, but this dog is very prone to all kinds of allergies and skin infections and even cancer. Owners of these types of dogs may also need to deal with Perthe’s disease that affects the hip, liver problems, hernias, and calcifications in the jaw. However, the lifespan of these dogs is around 15 years.

These dogs like all kinds of exercise and are extremely energetic indoors, so you don’t need to take them out for a walk every day. They play a lot, but they also need frequent naps. This dog is a wonderful companion pet because it gets along very well with children, the elderly, and all other companion animals in the home, including cats.

The breed still has the instinct to hunt, so expect to see them running after a rat or some cattle. This trait stems from the history and origin of the West Highland Terrier, showing that it is basically a hunting dog.

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