For most people, a spiritual encounter means having a vision, perhaps coming face to face with a ghost, or experiencing the supernatural. The truth is that we all have spiritual encounters every day and in every moment of our lives. Some are more severe than others because of the strength and depth they can mean. Below are some examples of spiritual encounters and why a spiritual encounter is relevant to us.

1. Spiritual encounters in the physical realm

a) Communication

When we communicate, we use words and gestures that convey our message to others. However, below the surface is our intention behind these words and the spirit of what we want the result to be. We may wish it to be in favor of our own needs or those of others, but the fact is that our spirits desire something of the result. In the same way, the person with whom we communicate also wants something from us or for them. The expressions we display, be it a frown or a smile, can define our behavior, yet God looks into our hearts to find out what spirit we carry within us at that moment. This type of spiritual encounter can be very subtle and escape sight if we were having a passive discussion.

Example: a simple example is asking for directions. We start out being as polite as possible because we seek help. This is the spirit of humility. If who we ask is unhelpful and rude, then we are faced with a spirit or arrogance. We can react negatively and respond in the same way. This has changed our spirit of humility to one of arrogance. In the end, we were tempted and failed. On the other hand, we can ignore them. This is the spirit of forgiveness.

In the Bible, a good example to use here as a reference is the parable of the Good Samaritan. In this he demonstrated a spirit of kindness.

b) Thoughts

Another type of spiritual encounter is when we deliberate on things. It could be preparing for an interview, recovering from a relationship, mending a relationship, or celebrating success. In these different scenarios our thoughts are transferred to our actions and we can recognize the type of spirit that is within us.

Example: suppose we have received a positive response from a job interview. This would give us the spirit of joy. We begin to dream scenarios of what we will do with the money we earn. Our joy needs to be celebrated and that is why we call friends. You may even decide to thank God. This is a spirit of joy and gratitude for the mercy that God has shown us.

In the Bible, a good example to use as a reference is the bad thoughts that King Saul had of David. In this example, although Saul had been anointed once when he hated David for his courage, he was possessed by the spirit of evil and jealousy.

2. Spiritual encounters in the spiritual realm

a) Visions

These spiritual encounters are obvious because we exist in spirit and what we experience is spiritual. This is a gift from God to those whom you want to reach out in this way. Some examples of this in the Bible are the experience of the Prophets, Ezekiel, Isaiah, and John in the book of Revelation.

b) Dreams

This is also spiritual, almost similar to that of a vision and once again the experience is shared in the spiritual realm. Examples of this in the Bible are the dreams experienced by Daniel and Joseph and many more.

3. Importance of spiritual encounters

The reason why it is important to understand what a spiritual encounter means is to teach us at all times where our spirit is and how we can remain in faith in the word of God. In the physical realm, we need to be in control of what we do and say and the intention behind these actions. Knowing what a spiritual encounter is guides us through this. In the spiritual realm, we learn that things are now beyond our control, and instead of living in fear, we allow God to take control of the situation.

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