When many people think of triathlons, they think of the most famous one being the Iron Man triathlon in Kona, Hawaii. The first was held in 1979 and shortly after that event, some people in Cincinnati Ohio decided to have their own version of a triathlon by creating Morgan’s Little Miami Triathlon. It’s all about running and biking, but instead of swimming, you have a canoe or kayak leg. Both Cincinnati Bike Repair and Ohio Cincinnati Bike Dealers offer great deals on all the equipment you may need to train for this event. This article will describe more details about this race as well as how to train to be able to finish it successfully.

Morgan’s Little Miami Triathlon is the oldest and largest triathlon of its kind in the United States celebrating its 30th anniversary this season. The course begins with a 6-mile canoe for two-person teams or a single-runner kayak, a 5.5-mile run that includes some trails, and an 18-mile bike ride. It has always been a competition for two person teams, but recently they added the event for a single person who can use a kayak to compete instead of a canoe. They offer two identical races, one in June and one in October in the Cincinnati, Ohio area. It has been a long-standing tradition for many adventurous and fitness spirits.

To complete such a challenging athletic event, it is imperative to be physically prepared for the race. You should spend at least 2 months of constant training to complete this event with plenty of cross training. Most people know how to run and ride a bike, but many are unfamiliar with the proper way to canoe or kayak. There are several providers of canoes and kayaks in the area, especially along the Little Miami River where the race will take place. Find out which one can offer canoe lessons and have your partner and yourself take some lessons to get comfortable maneuvering the canoe.

Once you’re comfortable with handling your canoe or kayak, it’s time to do some conditioning to get ready for the long triathlon. You should exercise 6 times a week with a full day off. A good plan to follow would be to run 3 times a week, bike 3-4 times a week, and canoe or upper body strengthening exercises 3 times a week. The key is to start slowly and develop a good base of resistance. To get a good base in your training, it is important to train well below a certain heart rate for at least 2 weeks.

Since most people who do this run do it with a partner, try to train with your partner as much as possible to find out what kind of form and pace they will be able to maintain. You want to be able to stay strong as a unit, not just individually.

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