Where is the Best Place For a Begonias Supplier?

Depending on where you live, there are a number of places where you can get begonias. You can have them shipped to you, or you can purchase them locally. It is always a good idea to find a supplier that you can trust. You don’t want to buy the wrong type, or have your plants killed by pests.

Tuberous begonias

Besides being an important source of food energy for begonias, their tubers can also be used as storage organs. These underground storage organs can help the plant survive in stressful conditions.

Tuberous begonias are one of the most popular types of begonia suppliers. They are also known as bedding plants. They are used to produce profase blooms and are very easy to grow. They are ideal for cooler climates. Their large flowers make them a favorite for both indoor and outdoor planters.

They can be grown in sun or shade, depending on the location. However, you should always plant them in areas that receive at least three hours of sunlight per day.

The flowers are large and come in every color except blue. If you are planning to grow tuberous begonias, you should start them early. It takes about three months for them to begin to bloom.

They are also easy to grow indoors. You can grow them in pots, flats, or hanging baskets. They also do well under old, open branched apple trees. You can also grow them on a bright porch or deck.

Tuberous begonias are grown for their large flowers and the ability to thrive in a variety of conditions. They are best grown in containers and hanging baskets. They should be planted in light soil and watered regularly.

Tuberous begonias can be a great addition to your garden. They are also easy to propagate. You can propagate them by taking stem cuttings or root divisions. You can also use a chemical growth regulator, such as chlormequat. You should not use ammonium to fertilize them as this may cause excessive foliage growth.

You can also use tubers to propagate tuberous begonias. These are also available in 4.5-inch pots. You can easily plant them in a pot and then transplant them into the garden. If you are planting them in a pot, you should place the pot in a flat or shallow tray.

To keep your tuberous begonias healthy and producing flowers, you should water them on a weekly basis. You can also fertilize them if you want to give them more nutrients.

Hanging or climbing begonias

Whether you’re buying for your own garden or hanging baskets, a begonias supplier will offer you a wide variety of begonias for a variety of uses. These attractive perennials are hardy plants that grow best in a mixture of sun and shade, but can also be grown indoors in a sheltered position.

If you’re growing begonias in hanging baskets, they’ll need plenty of water. Keeping the foliage well-hydrated can help prevent mold and rot. The best time to water them is in the evening. You should also use a balanced fertilizer for hanging begonias. It can be added to the potting soil with about 1/4 teaspoon per gallon of water.

You can also try growing begonias from cuttings. Begonias will root in water and form new stems in just eight weeks. They can be rooted in a light potting mix or dipped in plant cutting powder.

When you’re choosing a hanging basket plant, you’ll want to find one that will provide you with flowers for a long time. Ideally, you’ll want to choose a plant that can tolerate low light. Most begonias will be happy to grow in a window, but many will benefit from indirect lighting.

Many begonias are grown as annuals, but some of the species can be saved for next year. You’ll want to ensure that the soil is well-drained and that you water the plant every day. You should also ensure that the plant receives good air circulation and avoid overhead watering.

In addition, the begonia should be treated against powdery mildew, which is one of the most common diseases. A plant can be damaged by overwatering, so make sure to check the top of the soil for moisture before watering.

Begonias come in several varieties, including those with thick stems and those that are low-growing. Most varieties can tolerate indirect lighting, but you should choose your plant carefully. It’s also important to know that certain varieties have pests, including aphids, snails, and caterpillars. If you find any of these pests on your plant, you may need to apply a fungicide or a fungicidal spray.


Keeping begonias healthy can be a challenge. They’re not difficult to grow, but they do require extra TLC. In fact, they are prone to some of the most common diseases.

Fortunately, there are a few simple steps you can follow to keep begonias looking their best. These include choosing a healthy potting mix, using a good fertilizer, and deadheading your flowers to encourage more blooms.

Begonias prefer a moist, well-drained soil. They also need a minimum of six hours of direct sunlight a day. During the hot, humid months, you can spray the plants with a mild fungicide to help prevent outbreaks of powdery mildew.

When you’re choosing a begonia fertilizer, look for one that contains balanced amounts of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. You can also use a liquid fertilizer, which is convenient and easy to store. You should mix three parts water with one part fertilizer and then apply it around the base of your plant.

You may also want to check the pH of your soil. If it’s too acidic, it will reduce the number of nutrient particles available to the roots. On the other hand, if it’s too alkaline, it will limit the availability of magnesium.

Begonias also tend to be susceptible to powdery mildew. This disease appears as white powder on the leaves. You can treat it with a fungicide or by improving air circulation.

The best time to plant begonias is in the late spring. You can also start them indoors from stem cuttings. Begonias are also a great flower for containers, but they do not do well in the winter. You can move them to a sunny window during the winter.

If you’re growing begonias in a greenhouse or in a window, you can use a slow-release fertilizer. Fertilizers with a lower N-P-K ratio are generally best. These fertilizers provide consistent nourishment and help avoid fertilizer burn.

The most common disease on begonias is powdery mildew. You can prevent it with a mild fungicide or by improving air circulation.

Begonias also tend to be prone to fungus gnat and aphids. They also dislike too much light, which can cause reddish-tinted foliage and stunted growth.


Whether you’re looking to put a bright flower on your garden or are just looking for something to place in a terrarium, begonias are a great choice. They’re easy to grow and can be found at most garden centers. They have a wide range of colors and can be used for hanging baskets or under shrubs.

To plant a begonia, you can either start seeds or propagate from stem cuttings. You should also keep your begonias well watered to avoid damaging their foliage. You can also use copper-based fungicides to control powdery mildew.

During the growing season, your plants need about an inch of rain each week. They’ll also need good ventilation. A rain gauge can help you determine how much water to give your plants.

When you plant seedlings, you should cover them with plastic bags to keep them moist. This will also help prevent stem or root rot.

Tuberous begonias are a good choice for hanging baskets. They can also be grown indoors. The leaves should be cut back to keep the plant from growing tall and spindly.

If you live in a hot climate, you’ll need to give your begonias plenty of shade. The leaves will burn if they’re exposed to the sun for too long. To prevent this, water early in the morning. You can also place your containers on pebble trays to help with moisture.

If you’re planting from seed, you should start them 8 to 12 weeks before your last frost date in your region. You’ll also want to fertilize them every two to four weeks. A 10-10-10 liquid fertilizer works well.

You can also use neem oil to help control insect pests. Neem can be used in a rotation with conventional chemicals. Using insecticidal soap can also help control spider mites. You can also use cotton swabs dipped in rubbing alcohol to kill mealybugs.

You should also check to see if your begonias are infected with bacterial leaf spot. This is a common problem that can affect flower heads. If you do notice this, you can apply Garlic Barrier.

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