Creating an effective bodybuilding diet is the most essential aspect of any muscle building plan. Even if you have the best weightlifting routine known to mankind, you can forget about getting bigger, you can forget about adding muscle mass altogether if you don’t. consequently follow a high quality diet plan. So hit the back button now if you’re not serious about eating for muscle…

…Still here? Good.

Now I will continue with the design of the 9 steps must follow to ensure your bodybuilding diet plan is on point. No frills. No frivolous BS. Simply integrate these simple steps into your bodybuilding plan, forget about all the distracting details that you can find in the vast abyss that is the Internet; then just add water and watch your muscles inflate like balloons.

  1. Choose your target. More specifically, decide on your short-term goal. Many of you reading this may want to lose fat. while gain muscle, but you’ll see significantly faster results if you focus on one goal at a time. From this point on, I’m assuming your goal is to gain muscle mass.
  2. Calculate your calorie needs. If you remember one fact from this bodybuilding diet article, make sure you remember this: You must consume more calories than your body burns per day if you want to gain muscle. As a starting point, consume 18 calories per pound of your body weight (that is, total calories = 18 x body weight in pounds). You may need to eat more or less than this, but remember this is an estimate.
  3. Calculate protein intake. Your muscles need protein to physically increase your muscle mass. Consume 1.0 to 1.5 grams of protein per pound of your body weight (that is, grams of protein = 1.0 x body weight in pounds). To find out how many calories that is, multiply your daily protein intake (in grams) by 4.
  4. Calculate fat intake. Dietary fat plays a vital role in a long list of bodily functions, related to general health, energy, and muscle development. So don’t skimp on that – And FYI, eat fatty foods not equal to being fat. start by eating 30% of your calories from fat. To convert calories from fat to grams of fat, divide your daily fat intake (in calories) by 9.
  5. Calculate carbohydrate intake. Carbohydrates give you energy, but technically, your body doesn’t even need them to survive (which is why we calculate carb intake last). But just because your body doesn’t need carbohydrates doesn’t mean you shouldn’t have them. Ok, now to calculate: you know how many total calories you need per day; and you also know how many of those calories will come from protein and how many from fat. So, to find the number of carbohydrate calories you should eat per day, simply subtract protein calories and fat calories from your total calories. In mathematical terms, that is: Calories from carbohydrates = total calories – (calories from protein + calories from fat). To convert carbohydrate calories to carbohydrate grams, divide your daily carbohydrate intake (in calories) by 4.
  6. Eat before and after training. Make sure to eat before and after your workout. Pre-workout nutrition fuels your muscles and provides your body with energy for post-workout. In simple terms, post-workout nutrition stops catabolism (the breakdown of muscle caused by weight training) and triggers anabolism (the building/rebuilding of muscle). For pre-workout nutrition, eat 0.25 grams of protein per pound of body weight, as well as 0.25 grams of carbohydrates per pound of body weight. For post-workout nutrition, eat 0.25 grams of protein per pound of body weight and 0.25 to 0.5 grams of carbohydrates per pound of body weight. Fats are optional for both meals. These foods can be solid “regular” foods; or it can be liquid meals, using weight-lifting supplements like whey protein and dextrose.
  7. Food to eat. I am a proponent of flexible dieting. It is much more productive to eat foods that you enjoy eating; Restricting so-called “unhealthy” foods from your diet will make you less successful in the long run and you’ll be constantly in a bad mood. That said, you can’t eat sweets and junk food all day without hoping to gain a few butter rolls in your bag. Eating too much junk and fatty food makes you fat because it produces excess calories. So what to eat then? A large portion of your food should be common-sense “healthy” food, but never deprive yourself of a food you crave, assuming you follow this condition: Make sure you meet your caloric requirements (step 2), protein intake (step 3), fat intake (step 4), and carbohydrate intake (step 5).
  8. Drinking water. Water is a true life force. Everything and everyone needs it. And you, in your muscle-building activities, need a lot. Although it varies from person to person, and there are many factors that can influence your optimal water intake needs, most people should try to drink about 1 gallon per day of high-quality H20.
  9. Test and modify. Put it into practice. Don’t expect your bodybuilding diet plan to work perfectly the first time. You may need to adjust your total calories up or down until you strike a balance. Aim for a constant rate of lean weight gain. On average, pure beginners can expect around 1-2 pounds per week (although some of this will be water weight). Look in the mirror or take pictures; Cut calories if you start to look like the Michelin Man. More experienced lifters should aim for a slower rate of weight gain (unless you want to go fat) as it’s harder to build muscle after the beginner stage.

Now take the relatively short time it takes to implement these instructions and create a bodybuilding diet that really works. plays! Really. It has a maximum duration of 20 minutes, but will guarantee success for years to come. It is the best investment of time you can make.

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