There was a time when most dogs were rarely kept as pets…they had jobs! They were used on farms, in the military, and for hunting, fighting, ratting, and baiting. That does not mean that they are no longer used for those purposes. But let’s be real, most aren’t!

One of the funniest thoughts on this subject was, cutting off the dog’s tail; You would prevent him from getting angry! Primarily, it was done to prevent injuries caused by farm equipment. It would give another fighting dog one less thing to hold onto in pit fights. And let’s not forget, because people believed that it increased the dog’s speed and strengthened his back.

Also, at one time, docked tail hunting and working dogs were not taxable. It never hurts to save a shilling or two.

The only reason that makes sense is safety and cleanliness. Tailless working and hunting dogs were less likely to accumulate debris or feces around their rumps. They were also less likely to be injured by getting caught in farm equipment, wagons, and wagons.

There are those who support the practice, but believe that the term tail flick is less offensive than amputation… although it is the same thing!

Breeds with docked tails

There are 50-70 breeds that have docked tails. Most belong to the Terrier and Spaniel families.

The ones we are most familiar with include: Airedale Terrier, American Cocker Spaniel, American Pit Bull Terrier, Australian Silky Terrier, Australian Shepherd, Australian Terrier, Bouvier des Flandres, Boxer, Brittany Spaniel, Cane Corso, Clumber Spaniel, Cocker Spaniel, Doberman Pinscher, English Springer Spaniel, German Shorthaired/Wireless Pointer, Giant Schnauzer, Hungarian Vizsla, Irish Terrier, Jack Russell Terrier, Kerry Blue Terrier, King Charles Spaniel, Lakeland Terrier, Miniature Pinscher, Miniature Poodle, Miniature Schnauzer, Neapolitan Mastiff , Norfolk Terrier, Norwich Terrier, Old English Sheepdog, Parson Jack Russell Terrier, Pembroke Welsh Corgi, Rottweiler, Smooth Fox Terrier, Soft-coated Wheaten Terrier, Standard Poodle, Toy Poodle, Weimaraner, Wire-haired Fox Terrier, and Yorkshire Terrier.

Interestingly, so-called “designer dogs” breeds that were once called “mongrels” like the Schnoodle (Schnauzer/Poodle mix) are making tail and ear cropping part of their new “standard” look.

Breeds with naturally docked tails

In some cases, selective breeding and nature have taken care of tail docking. There are several breeds where puppies are born without a tail!

The ones we are most familiar with include: Australian Shepherd, Australian Stubby Tail Cattle Dog, Brittany Spaniel, Danish Swedish Farm Dog, Jack Russell Terrier, Schipperke and Pembroke Welsh Corgi.

Many of them are due to a genetic mutation called C189G. Basically, their tails were bred out of them.

How is the coupling done?

The most common ways to dock the tail are:

Rubber ring elasting is where a rubber ligature is used to restrict blood flow to the tail, and the tail falls off…usually within 24 to 96 hours.

Or, the tail is surgically removed using surgical scissors or a scalpel.

A licensed veterinarian will first give the puppy or dog a complete physical exam and a blood clot test.

He then calms down, lays on his back. General anesthesia is applied. The area is disinfected and shaved. Per the breed standard, an incision is made ¼” to 1″ from the base (where the tail meets the rump), through the skin and cartilage in puppies or between two vertebrae in a dog.

The skin is then pulled over the exposed tissue, cartridge, or vertebrae and sutured.

In puppies only 2-5 days old, general anesthesia is not administered.

Most vets prefer to wait until the puppy is at least 8 weeks old, if the procedure is not done within the first 5 days.

Non-absorbent sutures are removed after 5-7 days. In adult dogs, the base of the tail is usually bandaged and removed in 2-3 days.

Typically, the pup or dog will leave with a satellite dish strapped around their neck, known as an e-collar…to prevent it from fixing where it hurts and eventually itches.

They also often come out with antibiotics, to prevent infection, due to a weakened immune system from the stress of surgery and the risk of infection from an open wound.

Keep in mind that the longer the tail, the older the dog, the more traumatic this procedure will be, and it will generally take longer to heal.

Coupling risks

Possibilities include: excessive bleeding, normal risk of anesthesia, infection, wound dehiscence (opening), and rectal prolapse.

What to Consider Before Docking Your Dog’s Tail

First, think about why you want it done. If your dog is not a working or hunting dog, is it necessary or is it your vanity?

Usually the nonsensical line of reasoning that is made is: it’s my dog, my property and I’ll do what I want with it! Well, gee, that’s a great reason!

Hey, he’s my dog, he’s my property, I don’t care what others think or do. I would never do anything to hurt, maim or traumatize my pet. He or she loves me unconditionally and would never jeopardize her trust and respect. My dog ​​is perfect, just the way he is!

Dogs need their tails

There are legitimate reasons why dogs need their tails. They include:

Tails are a primary form of communication between dogs. They use their tails for social cues. To other dogs, a tailless dog appears fearful, as a fearful dog would instinctively tuck its tail between its hind legs as a sign of submission. More messages are sent from standing queues, moving queues, straight queues, and dropped queues. Don’t be surprised if your dog’s messages are misinterpreted!

The tails are used for balance.

Tails are used as targets to prevent more serious bodily injury in a fight.

The tails are used as rudders when swimming.

The tails are used to keep insects away.

The tails are used to convey vital information, such as scents from the anal glands, to make them appear larger and more threatening.

Tails are used to conserve body heat, such as when a dog curls up into a ball and wraps its tail over its face.

Bottom line: Many vets in the US now voluntarily refuse to perform cosmetic surgery on dogs, including nodding/cutting. They will do this only if there is an injury, health, or medical reason for the procedure. That progressive shift in thinking will make puppies and dogs much happier and pain free in the USA!

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