In Einstein’s theory of relativity, the notions of events (simultaneity of space and time), equivalence of mass and energy (special relativity), spatial expansion (big bang), as well as equivalence of space and mass-energy are introduced. The general theory of relativity combined with quantum mechanics leads to the emergence of the entire universe from zero and absolute nothing. Such “emergence-creation” of the universe from scratch does not take place in space or time, since both are identical to the universe, space as an energetic expansion of empty space and time as a unit of measurement of movement and change. Hence the event, as “something” that occurs, and since it occurs, creates space, time and matter – mass – energy, constitutes a novelty of the theory of relativity that suggests that the world is being created eternally and is not static and perpetual.

In quantum mechanics, the term “creativity” is amplified, since natural events form the constant transition from possibility to reality, according to the ontological probabilism of the Schrödinger equation. The completion of quantum theory through the concept of Great Unified Theories, and especially through the still incomplete superstring theory, reveals that at the micro level of creation of subatomic particles or space, motion literally comes before Being and objects are forms. of a movement that suggests a constant transition from possibility to reality.

In nonlinear physics of complex systems, the term “creativity” does not simply correspond to the initial emergence of the universe (big bang) or to the subatomic scale processes described by quantum mechanics, grand unified theories, and superstring theory. . , but it expands to all aspects of nature: that is, physical – chemical, ecological, psychological – mental. Then, through the theory of non-linear physics, macroscopically seen beings are constructed, holistic forms of movement, so that the whole gains a non-reducible ontological meaning (therefore, the whole is constantly produced) that characterizes the functioning of the part.

Combining the theories of quantum mechanics and relativity, it could be affirmed that modern physics suppresses the habitual perception about natural phenomena, which were referred to as a constant transformation of a fundamental substance. On the contrary, the contemporary description of the natural world by physics and mathematics corresponds to Morphodynamics, that is, the description of the world as the creation of all cosmic forms from a zero point, on all cosmic levels. From this point of view, zero is understood as the absence of form, while the notion of eternal substance without form is weakened and does not seem to be justified by the evolution of scientific thought. The “beings” and their “substance” are assimilated to forms of movement that have already been created or are being created, and constitute the movement within the movement.

At the anthropological level, the term “creativity” gains an extended level since it is revealed that the human is not a simple creation of a cosmic process, but rather has a sense of belonging and co-creates in collaboration with Thought, its forms, their meanings and mental contents, the feelings and emotions of theories, institutions, etc., which do not rise to the level of simple biological or physical-chemical processes, although they are directly related to them and occur among themselves without being identified and without lose your self-efficacy. The world and the human being are being co-created and co-produced in a two-way relationship, a feedback relationship that develops as Time.

It can be affirmed that the cosmic creation from the zero point or the absolute nothingness of the cosmic forms of existence, is identified with a course connected to time, ontologically unpredictable and innovative of the world towards the asymmetric and the unique, through constant physical disruptions symmetry. Thus, the world is constantly enriched ontologically by a neo-innovation that makes the future of the past asymmetric. The arrow of time literally means that the world and cosmic forms of being are constantly created from zero point and absolute nothingness and “return” to the latter, recreating it.

The physics of chaotic systems attributes a mathematical description through the bifurcation theory to the notion of creating cosmic forms, according to which when a physical system tends towards critical situations, it develops new structures of existence and function through atopic interrelationships. and information processes in an unpredictable way. In general terms, it could be suggested that new structures of existence and operation that resemble a virtual form scaling over the physical system and tuning its parts so that the whole gains meaning and is as a whole and not as a simple result of processes. microscopic, they are formed and created within nature. This means that the world is revealed as information as well as being matter and energy. This procedure of creating cosmic figures seems, or is, in fact, capable of being

considered as a kind of expression of a “cosmic speech”, of “cosmic words” and “cosmic prayers” in the sense that the fact that is indicated is constantly complemented by the fact that is about to be indicated.

It can be said that the arrow of time, which is introduced by cosmic functions (thermodynamics, electromagnetic radiation, the big bang, information procedures, Markov procedures, etc.), corresponds to an irreversible and irrevocable direction of a cosmic “sense” that it is being constantly created and enriched. Hence, what was born from the zero point, although it corrodes in the future, has contributed to its corrosion not corresponding to a cosmic situation similar to the one existing before its creation. In other words, birth and corrosion make the future always asymmetrical with respect to the past. From this point of view, even if the entire universe reaches zero point at once, this does not mean that the zero point after the creation of the world is similar to the previous zero point. Possibly, time equates to an immutable and irrevocable “cosmic memory” and a development of cosmic correlations that can never be eradicated even if the world and the universe die completely.

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