“Before looking for a new relationship, you should never look for someone who completes you, a relationship consists of two complete people, look for someone complementary … not supplementary.” -Rashida Rowe

You can consider yourself ready to find real, true and lasting love in your life.

But are you really ready?

As a woman who became an exultant first-time bride at age 43, I thought I was ready for the right man long before he showed up. However, in hindsight, I can see that somehow she may have been sabotaging myself without realizing it. Finding true love first often requires you to look into the deep, dark corners of your own life for unexpected thought patterns or behaviors that may be holding you back.

Being willing to look inward instead of blaming external circumstances may be the most powerful thing you can do to get on the fast track to love. Consider the following concepts on your personal journey to your dream relationship:

1. Love yourself first.

This is a phrase that is often said, but perhaps not fully understood. Why is it so important to honor, respect and love yourself before finding love? Because if you don’t love yourself, you will always be suspicious and cautious, wondering how anyone else could really love you. It will be much harder for you to be real and authentic. You may believe that if someone knew the real you, he would not be able to truly love you. You will also be more likely to attract someone who is needy and also feels unpleasant inside.

two. Be very clear about what you want

Some people believe that there is a risk of being too specific about the type of man you want. Will there be anyone who really qualifies? It’s true that if you’re too specific about things like physical attributes, financial success, or social status, you can disqualify a lot of eligible men. However, I feel that the greatest danger is that you may be too willing to compromise and end up disappointed.

One way to get very clear about what you really want is to consider the character qualities your ideal partner will have while staying more flexible in terms of their physical characteristics. Perhaps the person with whom you could be most compatible does not appear in the specific physical package that you might have imagined. Of course, physical attraction is important and desirable, but your overall happiness will depend much more on the character of the man you choose to love. You should also ask yourself if you are living your life in such a way as to attract a man with the character you are looking for.

3. Make space in your life and space in your heart

You’ve probably heard that “nature abhors a vacuum.” How full is your life? It is important to live your life joyfully as a single woman. However, sometimes, in an effort to quell the pain or disappointment that comes from delayed or failed relationship satisfaction, you may be tempted to overload your life. The truth is that a relationship needs time and space to develop and thrive. You must also have an open heart to receive love. This may require forgiveness of yourself and others or resolution of pain from your past.

Four. Don’t settle for less than you deserve

It can scare you when you start to hear your biological clock ticking and watch your friends get married while you remain single. There may be social, family, or religious pressure to be in a relationship. You may even find yourself secretly feeling embarrassed or embarrassed or as if people feel sorry for you. This can make you more vulnerable to considering settling for a relationship that seems acceptable but doesn’t necessarily make your heart sing. Be careful not to settle for less than you deserve. This is the cause of much unhappiness. Remember, just because others are in a relationship doesn’t necessarily mean they’re happy. You want a genuine relationship that has the best chance of standing the test of time.

5. Make decisions and act based on faith, not fear

Always remember that you not only have the right, but also the responsibility to make the decisions that are best for you. Fear can be a guide to warn you of danger, but do not make the most important decisions of your life out of fear. Seek guidance and support, but trust your own feelings and intuition. Being willing to be honest with oneself and with others and having the conviction to move forward as your think better

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