Games have grown tremendously in the last decade. From a niche activity pursued by geeks, it has gone mainstream. Chances are even your grandparents have a Nintendo Wii at home today, or your mom is a better Guitar Hero player than you are.

The last 4-5 years have seen a tremendous increase in the popularity of game consoles. However, there are certain types of games that run 100 times better on a PC. Strategy and first person shooters would fall into this category. A mouse is essential to play such games effectively (although these games are often available for consoles, but don’t have as smooth controls). So here is a list of 4 strategy games that you must have on your PC if you are a fan:

1. Age of Empires 2

Age of Empires was one of the first to effectively carry out the historical strategy game. The first part laid the foundation for the concept, but it was the sequel that incorporated all the elements to create an experience that was nothing short of perfect. Age of Empires 2: The Age of Kings remains one of the best-selling games of all time and promises hours and hours of fun and addictive gameplay.

warcraft 2

Long before World of Warcraft, the multiplayer phenomenon, there was Warcraft, the game that pretty much set the rules for strategy games. Pretty much most of the concepts: different buildings, units, fog of war, etc. that have become conventions in the genre started with this game that had your human soldiers facing off against orcs.


Blizzard is the undisputed master of strategy games with two of the most popular offerings in the genre: Warcraft and Starcraft. Starcraft is a space strategy game with some of the most innovative gameplay and some very creative units. A must have game for all fans of strategy games.


Civilization is arguably the most popular turn-based strategy game series in the world. The first part sets out the rules that will be followed in most turn-based games. As you can imagine, the game had you control a civilization and lead it to complete domination over other players through the military, diplomacy, or trade.

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