Getting the best seats you can get is on your mind when you find concerts that you are interested in attending. You want you and your group to have an incredible night. To enjoy the music, you must be seated where you can see all the entertainers and enjoy all the excitement of the show.

Find out when tickets will go on sale and write down the date and time. You don’t want to forget this because you want to be on the phone ordering your tickets as they go on sale or you want to be ready to camp on site to purchase your tickets.

When it comes to concerts, being prepared can mean standing in line waiting all night. If you want premium tickets to the event, you need to be as disciplined as possible. Pack a survival kit to take with you the night before tickets go on sale. If you are waiting with friends for the lockers to open in the morning, bring lawn chairs or sleeping bags, as well as food, blankets and something to entertain yourself. Make sure to wear a warm jacket because it can get cold when you’re sitting outside all night.

Call early about tickets. About an hour before tickets go on sale, call the ticketing company. The number is likely busy, so being in the company of others and having multiple phones between you will facilitate communication with Ticketmaster.

As you prepare for the doors to open, pay close attention to the time. Concerts are highly sought after events, and some musicians are so popular that hesitation to physically wait at the door means you’ll end up disappointed.

When you contact the sales operator on your cell phone, find out as much as you can about the program. The person will tell you what they know and can redirect you to a menu on the phone that will provide you with more details.

In some cases, you may need to purchase the first tickets that are available to you. However, after doing that, you can call the sales operator and tell the person that you want to buy the best possible tickets and that you want to cancel the first ones. Once you’ve done that, buy the premium ones. Be glad to know that you have purchased tickets for a sold out show.

If waiting in line for concerts isn’t for you, you may be able to get a free pre-sale password for the event online to ensure you get tickets before the general public. It is also possible to buy admission by working with a ticket broker or using classified sites.

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