A very successful businessman came to me and confided in me that he feels like a failure because he is nowhere near his goal of reaching his sales target for the year. But this is not a failure. Not setting the goal for him is the biggest failure. This man is, in fact, wealthier (both financially and emotionally) than he was before he set the goal. In fact, this is one of the best traits of successful people, the ability to set goals. Being able to achieve them is another matter entirely.

So now we are in the third quarter of the year. How do we get along with the goals we set for ourselves earlier? Or what happened to the New Year’s resolutions we set for ourselves? Are you enjoying the fruits of your labor, putting the finishing touches on your goals as the year draws to a close, or is that goal just fading away as time goes on?

I’m sure you agree with me that setting goals is simple. There are tons of books and websites that teach you how to structure them. Anyone can easily say they want to lose 20 pounds by the end of the year, learn a foreign language in time for next year’s big vacation, or hit a remarkably high sales goal, but the challenge here is keeping the momentum going so you can achieve your goal.

Reaching your goal can really be very hard work. You have to put a lot of effort. Think of how a farmer has to plow the land before he can plant the seed so that his crops can begin to grow. Just like the farmer, you too have to work hard, perhaps for several months or years before you see the fruits of your labor. You have to be consistent, watering the seeds every day and making sure no pests or weeds destroy them. And the farmer really understands that for a good season, there are a lot of sacrifices he has to make. But at the end of the harvest, this man can sit back, relax, and get ready for the next batch of harvest.

Consistency here is the key word. It is the continuous actions that should not be neglected if you want to achieve the desired reward. Even when the urge to procrastinate arises, you need to let go of that urge and stay focused. Although there may be obstacles in your way, stay focused and believe that you will make it. Find ways to motivate yourself to stay focused on your goals. Let’s say, for example, that you are learning a new language, tell yourself that once you complete the first level, you will enjoy a relaxing spa experience. And after completing level two, you will get another massage and manicure treatment as well. This will keep you motivated and help you stay focused and consistent in achieving your goals.

Sometimes along the way, you may get bored and abandon your goals. But why give up? You are already half way there! One of the most effective methods I find is to ask your friends and family for help. Tell them your goals so they are there to encourage and support you when you feel like giving up. Sometimes it works the other way around too, by telling everyone your goal, you’ll be less likely to abandon it for fear of looking like a failure. So go ahead and share your goals with others. Who knows, you might even recruit another friend to join you for a beginner language class.

Whether you’re about to set a new goal or three-quarters of the way there, it’s never too late to sit back and visualize the outcome. By visualizing the success of your goal, you will be more motivated to work hard to achieve it. If I can see myself vacationing in a foreign country and having so much fun talking to the locals in their native language, it gives me that much more drive to work hard and achieve my goals.

So from time to time, sit back and relax. She closes her eyes and begins to breathe deeply and relax. Then she lets your mind go blank or lets it fade away. Then you can start to imagine the situation you are in once you have achieved your goal. Imagine being recognized by your boss for hitting that high sales goal or imagine yourself at dinner in that beautiful dress and looking good because you’ve lost 20 pounds. Imagine the feelings of joy, imagine how proud and satisfied you are. Then believe that what you have just imagined can and will come true. With these positive images in mind, open your eyes and you will feel on top of your goal.

A little help and support goes a long way when working towards a goal. You can help yourself by drawing your goal plans, doing these visualization exercises, or believing that you will achieve it. You might also consider seeking help from others, talking to friends, signing up for motivational camps, or seeing a hypnotherapist. Whatever your preferred choice, have fun setting your goals and achieving them!

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