Most of the time, when your GP prescribes a new medicine, you can prepare yourself to read the long list of side effects that the medicine can cause to relieve the symptoms of something else.

Common side effects you’ll read about, or even see in TV commercials these days for new medications, are cramps, nausea, and diarrhea. It is rare that we come across a form of prescription medication that does not have some negative side effects.

However, when we look at the world of natural supplements and herbs, there are less unfavorable side effects, and most of the time they can help combat the side effects of other medications.

Goji berry juice is one such product that demonstrates a powerful ability to help heal other ailments and alleviate particular side effects, but does not cause any of its own. A great example of this is chemotherapy and goji juice. In fact, it can help counteract the negative effects that chemotherapy has on the body.

Chemotherapy causes a low white blood cell count

Chemotherapy reduces the body’s ability from our bone marrow to create new white blood cells. Thus, we keep our white blood cell count very low and ourselves in a very weakened condition. With such a low count we are very vulnerable to infections and other diseases.

A key feature of drinking goji juice is that it helps increase your white blood cell count. In turn, by drinking goji juice, you help strengthen your immune system and help your body fight off any potential infection you may face while undergoing treatment.

Chemotherapy produces low energy levels

Another unpleasant side effect of chemotherapy is that it leaves the patient with extremely low energy levels. Again, goji berry juice helps with energy levels. By adding a daily goji juice drink to your diet, you can boost energy levels thanks to a key fatigue-fighting ingredient known as lyceum.

Goji juice assisted chemotherapy treatment

Most know that the reason for chemotherapy is to help fight cancer. The key ingredients of the goji berry are lyceum barbarum, these are very effective antioxidants. These antioxidants can actually help prevent the growth of cancer cells in the liver, as well as leukemia.

Of course, if you are currently receiving chemotherapy as a treatment, check with your doctor before trying goji juice to help reduce side effects. []. While there are no known major side effects from drinking goji berry juice, it is always important to consult a medical professional before making any sudden changes.

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