Plumber Can Assist With Backflow Prevention and Testing

Backflow testing and preventative plumbing maintenance are vital services to maintain the health and safety of your water supply. These services protect the public water supply from contaminants and ensure that your building’s plumbing system is functioning properly and is not leaking pollutants or harmful chemicals into the local water line. Backflow testing involves a plumber in Phoenix inspecting the backflow prevention devices in your building to ensure that they are working correctly.

Back flow is a phenomenon where the water flows in the opposite direction it’s supposed to, and can result in human waste or harmful chemicals entering the city water supply. This happens when there are pressure changes in the pipes, which causes dirty water to seep into the clean water supply lines. This can happen due to increased demand, water main breaks or siphoning (a reduction in supply pressure).

Repiping your home can help to reduce water bills, improve the water pressure in your house and eliminate clogs. In addition, repiping can add value to your property and reduce the chances of water damage caused by old pipes.

These events are incredibly dangerous for the people using the backflow-contaminated water. Diseases like fecal contamination, coliform bacteria and Salmonella are common in these instances. These diseases can lead to severe infection and may even cause death.

How a Plumber Can Assist With Backflow Prevention and Testing

In addition to contaminating the water, it’s important to note that backflow can also damage buildings and structures. If the water is flowing backwards, it will likely hit walls, fixtures and piping with a great deal of force. This can corrode them and potentially cause them to fall apart or collapse.

Many cities require backflow prevention assemblies to protect the public water supply. These requirements are set forth in the Uniform Plumbing Code, which specifies primary and secondary backflow prevention methods for residential and commercial buildings. In addition, fire ordinances often require that sprinkler systems have a backflow assembly.

The most important reason why you should care about backflow prevention is that it protects the health of your family and employees. It can be extremely dangerous to drink polluted water, especially if you have children or elderly people living in your home. Harmful chemicals, heavy metals and other substances can leak into your water if the pipes aren’t properly protected.

In the United States, it’s estimated that there are about 10 million cases of waterborne illness every year due to backflow. These illnesses include diarrhea, vomiting, fevers and other symptoms, and can be fatal in extreme cases. However, by keeping the backflow protection system in your Phoenix home up to date and performing routine backflow testing, you can help reduce your risk of illness.

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