Twitter is fast becoming the best tool for online marketing. There are some good reasons why this phenomenon has occurred. One is for its incredible effect on your market. When you send a message, thousands of people are immediately notified about it and others retweet it or re-send it through their own lists, thus multiplying the number of people exposed to your message. This alone makes Twitter marketing a highly viable tool.

Another is that you can choose the people who can follow your account and your posts. You can choose the people who will receive your Tweets or messages. So if you’re in the health and fitness industry, you can choose to select people who are in your industry to follow you, so that when you send your message, it’s targeted at the right audience.

Next is the opportunity that Twitter gives you as a marketer because you are limited to just 140 characters, including spaces and special characters. This forces you to be very effective and concise in the marketing message that you will send. You don’t have room to be detailed, which is a good thing because your audience will only get the gist of your message. They will only read what is important and none of the unimportant messages that can get bogged down in a normal message if the number of characters is unlimited.

There are a few other Twitter marketing tips you can follow to ensure your success:

1. If you’re representing your business online, always be professional in your Twitter conversations. Remember that everything you say online will be a reflection of your own company. Be courteous to whomever you speak to and never get into an online dispute. It’s always not worth it.

2. Post a real photo of yourself on your Twitter account. This will make people trust you even more compared to when all they can see is a cartoon character or wacky picture of someone else.

3. Be natural. Don’t pretend you are someone else because eventually people will find out as you may slip once or twice. By being honest, your audience will connect with you better and therefore retweet your posts more often.

4. Don’t be too selfish. Don’t talk all about yourself. Strike up a conversation like you would with any friend of yours. Mention the weather, especially if it is fine or if a storm has just passed. People will remember you better if you’re always someone they have fun talking to.

5. Re-tweet other people’s messages. In short, return the favor and they will continue to retweet your messages in the future. It’s a world of give and take and you can’t be successful in it alone. You need the help of others, so if you want to have an effective Twitter marketing campaign, learn to give and not just receive.

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