All sports require proper attire that allows for ease of physical movement. The right shoes should accommodate running, sprints, quick side-to-side movements, slides, quick starts, sudden stops, and anatomical support for your feet.

Do you know your feet? Do you have high arches, flat feet, short or long toes, weak ankles, or a foot problem that requires special attention to design, construction, support, sizing, and style?

The ankles and feet are under great stress during play and while supporting the body. Our foot type, shoe environment, size and use should be taken into account in the purchase decision.

Don’t let shoe size bother you. Manufacturers use different measurements depending on their brands or country location. Buy a pair of shoes that fit you well.

The best time of day to shop for shoes is in the late afternoon or early evening, as feet tend to swell. Bring the socks you plan to wear when you play. Add a thumb’s width to the toe to allow for comfort and fit. Walk on the hard surface areas of the shoe store to check the fit and any irritation. It’s tricky to walk on the carpet.

A correct couple of shows will solve any personal or therapeutic problem. A pair of shoes that fit well does not require a break-in period. These costs must be ready for court.

The tennis shoe’s heel, soft or hard overall shoe body construction, and cushioning inserts help meet surface playing conditions. Pay a price for quality; It is less expensive than medical bills.

Foot problems before, during or after wearing shoes:

  1. Painful Heels – Plantar Fascist
  2. high arches
  3. flatfoot
  4. calluses
  5. corns and bunions
  6. Ankle sprains or fractures
  7. Achilles tendon
  8. stress fractures
  9. Athlete’s foot
  10. Intermetatarsal neuroma: thickness of nerve tissue that occurs between the 3rd and 4th toes on the ball of the foot

Members of the medical profession will help define the problem and the type of footwear required. Ask the shoe salesman for help.

Another consideration in buying shoes is the surface of the court being played on. The courts have layers of grass, clay, cement or artificial grass. The grass will require a soft shoe with a good grip for the slippery surface. The clay court shoe needs grip, strong sides to slide on, and a good fit for safety. Hard surfaces require a cushion insert and overall solid construction.

Types of Courts:

  1. The turf features fast play and low ball bounce.
  2. Clay gives a slower game and the ball bounces higher
  3. Hard surfaces produce fast play, reasonable ball bounce, but are difficult for players.

Allow time to shop around and purchase the correct fit. It will also help to do consumer research online to gain insight and help make a smart buying decision.

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