We all want insurance in life. Money-back guarantees are great when they follow the situation, but sadly there can be no guarantees to help you “make sure my husband won’t cheat again.” Love is a bet. It may even be the biggest bet of all. However, there are things you can do that are sure to stack the deck in your favor.

While you can never be sure that he won’t cheat again, there are things you can do to make it much less likely.

Make him happy to come home

Think back to life before he was cheated on. Were there almost constant arguments that took place when he came home from work each day? Common arguments at the end of a long day at work often revolve around no food on the table, chaos with the kids, mess in the home, or inconvenience at home.

While you don’t have to be the house slave for your marriage to work, there are things you can do to mitigate arguments and make him happy to come home each day.

Here are some things you might want to sit down and have a long discussion about before you find yourself in this situation again.

  1. Consider hiring someone to come in once a week to clean. This will take some of the stress out of the mess. You may have to do some creative budgeting to make this happen, but the rewards are well worth the effort.
  2. Create a chore and homework schedule for the whole family and enact a reward and punishment system that everyone agrees to schedule work on. Even mom and dad must participate in the program for full effectiveness. An added benefit is that if there is a written schedule and established routine, there will be fewer instances of discomfort from added stress in the relationship.
  3. Consider once a week or cook in the freezer. You don’t want to order takeout every time a long day has interrupted dinner plans. Freezer cooking allows you to cook multiple meals on one day each week or month that are then frozen to thaw and serve on busy weeknights. You can even enlist the whole family to help with this day with menu planning, food prep, and kitchen cleanup afterward. Most families would be happy to help out one day a week instead of having to help out 7 days a week.

Could it really be that simple? You better believe it. Give him a reason to come home happy every night and he’ll have a hard time even considering going anywhere else.

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