You love your little pup and understand that it’s important that you potty train him in a timely manner. However, if you don’t know what you’re doing, Jack Russell Terrier potty training can almost drive you crazy. Here are some tips to ensure your Jack Russell house training gets off to a good start.

Designate your area for going to the bathroom

If you want your Jack Russell Terrier potty training off to a good start, you’ll need to designate where you want your puppy to go potty. Pay close attention to him. There are certain signs to watch for when a dog needs to poop or urinate.

If he starts pacing and sniffing, that means he’s about to go to the bathroom. If your puppy is not in the designated area, quickly pick him up and place him on the pad in the designated area to pee and poop.

Put it on a schedule

A schedule is important for puppies. Puppies have to go to the bathroom:

1. When they first wake up

2. After they finish playing vigorously

3. About 5-10 minutes after eating

4.Before going to bed

Putting your puppy on a pee and poop schedule will help him be successful in his training. You should also make sure to take it out every 2 hours in addition to these times.

Give lots of praise

Be sure to praise your puppy every time he goes to the bathroom in the correct area. Also, never scold him. Dogs always learn better when they are praised.

Gradually increase the time between bathroom breaks

As your dog gets older, you can gradually increase the amount of time between potty breaks for your puppy. If your dog is 1 month old, she can probably hold it for an hour. If he is 2 months old, he can hold it for 2 hours, etc. The maximum you want to do is 3-4 months = 4 hours.

box training

I believe in box training. It is extremely effective in the house training process. Therefore, you may want to consider box training your JRT. This helps prevent accidents while you sleep or if you have to leave the house.

Get a cage that is big enough for him to stand up and lie down with just a little bit of free space. You would leave it in the box for a few hours at a time. Dogs don’t like to poop where they sleep so it will hold.

Remember, however, to let him grow according to his age. When you let him out, take him to his bathroom.


These simple Jack Russell Terrier potty training tips will get you off to a great start. It will help you advance your potty training quickly and keep you from stepping on steamy piles.

If you don’t want to clean up puddles, make sure your pup knows where he’s supposed to go.

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