Minerals are necessary to maintain good health and metabolism. There are 2 types of minerals based on their essential levels for the body and the amounts that can be stored, namely macro and micro minerals.

Some benefits of macro-minerals are:

• Calcium: Helps build strong teeth and bones; nerve and muscle function; blood clotting; metabolism; and regulation of blood pressure.

• Magnesium: It is essential for muscle function, stimulating bone growth, metabolism and improving cell sensitivity to insulin.

• Phosphorus: Maintains strong bones and teeth, is an essential part of enzymes and helps metabolism. The benefits of trace minerals are:

• Chromium: Helps in the transfer of glucose from the blood to the cells of the body.

• Copper: It is important for the formation of red blood cells, nerve fibers, skin pigmentation and connective tissues.

• Iodine: Required to produce thyroid hormone.

• Iron: It is essential to produce hemoglobin for the transport of oxygen.

• Manganese: Forms bones and tendons; and important part of the enzymes that are vital for the metabolism of the body.

• Molybdenum: It is an important part of the enzymes required for metabolism and for storing iron.

• Selenium: Together with Vitamin-E, it prevents oxidation damage to the cell membrane.

• Zinc: It is essential to support immunity, in the functioning of the reproductive system and growth.

Some essential electrolytes are:

• Chloride: Helps in the production of digestive juices and in the maintenance of body chemistry.

• Potassium: Together with sodium, it maintains the balance of body fluids and helps in metabolism and muscle function.

• Sodium: Along with potassium, it balances body fluid levels and helps muscles function properly.

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