So, you’re crafting your speech and you have some points, but you’re completely unable to remember or structure it well enough to make it impactful and have a strong message. The reason: you’re doing it wrong. As a person writing a speech, you should not pay attention to the words and sentences at all. Instead, you should focus on the emotions you want to generate.

If you know anything about anchoring or conditioned responses, emotions can be connected to each other by presenting them sequentially. So if you think about your initial state (usually also known as the problem state), you already have an introduction. Now think about your end state and build a conclusion, which should also be a solution state.

Between these two states, it structures a series of intermediate states to build other emotions within them. Now the hard part. Nested loops are intended to create the same effect in hypnosis as fractionation: disrupting the state by bringing the person in and out of trance until much deeper into trance. Nested loops do this by using story structures. Basically, if you don’t complete your story, you cause an open loop. Ideally, before coming full circle, incorporate ideas and suggestions into the story that create a meaningful closure to the story that goes into the unconscious; people rarely remember things that are complete.

A typical nested loop structure starts like this: open story A – story b – story c – story d – close story d, story c, story b, story a. Just before closing each loop, it inserts an embedded command that will be useful and may serve the individual.

The biggest problem with using nested loops is elegance. Few people can use even this simple structure without being clumsy and clumsy in their storytelling. It is not intended to use this as a formula; you really need to know how to effectively use flowing nested loops. There is a very wide variety of nested loop structures and patterns that are appropriate for different types of people, which is something you can learn in advanced (master) training from me.

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