Now I want to start by saying that I believe in the power of prayer to God Himself.

However, when you feel the need to pray to prevent something bad from happening and you have anxiety if you don’t pray, then you have OCD.

OCD can manifest itself in ways that are sometimes difficult for us to understand, we just sometimes don’t realize why certain things become OCD for us and other things that would be OCD for others are not for us.

We are all different with different backgrounds, so that’s the beauty of the human race. We are all different.

There is no one-size-fits-all approach to curing OCD.

The individual must decide what is bothering him and then deal with the root of the fear that is causing the compulsions.

If you have the problem of praying to the point where it interferes with the daily aspects of your life that are so important, such as work and family, etc. You need to balance it out and limit how much you can pray.

Jesus loves you anyway and will not punish you if you don’t pray a certain amount of time during the day.

What you really need to realize is that prayer is talking to God and you don’t have to talk to Him 24/7. In fact, this is not his will, we can be attentive to him, but he has called us to work and serve God. So what we should do is set aside time each day to pray and not allow ourselves to pray until then. God will take care of you, your family, and others, even if you don’t pray all the time. You don’t have to be in the moment of prayer for Him to help you, so if this has become an OCD for you. Stop and pray for only a certain amount of time each day.

Take Action: Limit the amount of time you pray, even Daniel in the Bible prayed about three times a day, did not pray all day and still found favor with God. Remember that God should be your God, not prayer.

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