The enduring gift of the Incas to the world, the potato feeds people all over the planet. After the discovery of the New World, the Spanish looted the palaces and their galleons took tons of gold and silver, but that was only money. The food they took from Native American farmers would ultimately feed the world. Where would we be without corn, chocolate or potatoes?

Potatoes originated in the Andes mountains of Peru and had been cultivated by the Incas since around 5000 BC. The Spanish brought them back to Europe, where they were received with great reluctance. Potatoes are not mentioned in the Bible, so God did not ordain them as “Christian food.” Potatoes are members of the nightshade family; the plant is poisonous. Potatoes were fed to inmates in asylums and prisons. Its wide acceptance came later.

They grow almost everywhere. Potatoes tolerate terrible soils and challenging climates. They are the first and only food to be grown in space. They grow just about anywhere and produce bountiful crops when they do.

Potatoes are a healthy food. Dieters avoid them because of the caloric content. All the essential vitamins and minerals in the potato and its skin are lost. You also miss out on some great taste sensations. Eat potatoes in moderation if you’re on a diet, but try some of the potato recipes on offer. [in The Champagne taste/Beer Budget Cookbook]. Whether you are serving indoors or outdoors, they will add something to your table.


French fries are available even in the best restaurants. They are the mainstay of more modest restaurants and fast food places. You can make great home fries in your own kitchen. You can fry them in a deep pot with boiling oil, but boiling oil is messy and dangerous. they’re worth it When you taste home fries, you’ll want to serve them again and again. Invest in an electric fryer if you plan to frequently make French fries at home.

The fries are not French. They are an American invention. Thomas Jefferson is supposed to have served them at diplomatic receptions before the potatoes became popular in Europe. Enjoy the fries; they are as American as apple pie.

4 to 6 medium potatoes

canola oil

Heat oil to a boil, about 325°F in a deep, straight-sided skillet. Better yet, heat the oil in a deep-fry pot designed for the process.

Peel potatoes if desired. Wash and then cut into 1/4″ x 1/4″ sticks. Let dry on a paper towel. Submerge them in the hot oil and cook for 17 minutes. Drain, salt and serve.

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