It seemed like you didn’t do anything wrong with your computer before, but nevertheless, the Run32dll.exe error appears when you start Windows. The most interesting thing about the Rundll.exe error is that most of the users think that it is coming from their Windows, when in fact it is not. Sometimes Run32dll.exe message appears when you simply open some Windows folder or drive. Usually, there are no manifestations of Rundll infection other than error messages. In most cases, Rundll.exe errors are caused by the Rundll.exe virus.

The Rundll.exe malware infection may arrive on your computer in the form of an email attachment from an unknown sender. In some circumstances, you may not even see its famous error messages, but the Rundll.exe Trojan still shows up in your system memory. Do not mix Rundll with the legal Windows file called Rundll32.exe which is always located in your WindowsSystem32 folder. Another important notice is that the malicious Run32dll.exe file does not contain the Microsoft signature and version information tab in its Properties. Remember that there is no legal file in Windows related to Rundl.

The main task when you see Rundll-related error messages is to terminate its process. A great help to find Rundll.exe infection will provide a system program called msconfig.exe which shows you all autorun entries. If you don’t see executables but DLLs with names similar to those of the Rundll.exe source, leave them alone, they can’t be malicious. The common synonym for the Rundl.exe infection is the Run32dll.exe file, which is in fact the same virus. No country and no company prevented the epidemic of Rundll.exe problem.

While Rundll infection cannot destroy your computer (as a rule), it can cause severe financial loss on deleted documents. The number of support requests to resolve the Rundll.exe problem is so high that several companies created special custom solutions for this problem. One of the must-have solutions is called Rundll Fix Wizard. Search it on the internet. Another good tip is to run your favorite antivirus. In both cases, don’t remember that programs can do a lot of good things, but fail when a really hard problem comes along. Seek the help of a human expert in this case.

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