Have you probably learned about the Terrell Owens Bodylastics workout routine?

Terrell Owens’ workout routine has been all the rage lately. All this happened as a result of his appearance on the cover of Muscle and Fitness magazine. There he was muscled and ripped to the bone and every guy wants to know how to get a body like his. The answer may surprise you.

Many people wanted to know about his training program, which resulted in an entire article on “The Rubber Band Man Workout.”

In this article I will reveal some never-before-seen strategies and techniques from Terrell Owens’ exercise and diet guide that comes with the TO super strong man home gym.

1. During your off-season workout, you jump rope for 30 seconds between sets.

2. Off-season TO do strength training 5 days a week.

3. TO uses Bodylastics resistance bands for his workouts because they cause little or no damage to muscles and/or joints. They are very safe to use for home workouts.

4. Of course, warm-ups are crucial in all exercise programs. TO likes to use a stationary bike for his warm-up exercise. Usually it does this for about 7 minutes.

5. Owens’ breakfast consists of a bowl of oatmeal and 10 egg whites. Nutrition plays a very important role in his ability to obtain a defined and muscular body.

6. TO incorporates different exercise protocols to increase the intensity of this training program. He uses supersets, drop sets, pyramids, and other advanced techniques to build his incredible musculature.

The Terrell Owens Bodylastics workout routine is not the typical exercise program of bodybuilders on steroids. As one of the best players in the NFL, he has had many injuries throughout his football career. Therefore, his workouts are designed to provide rapid muscle gains but, at the same time, to provide maximum safety.

As a result of using Bodylastics resistance bands in his off-season and regular in-season workouts, To has made incredible gains in strength, flexibility, and muscularity. He is currently ranked in the top ten of all wide receivers in the NFL.

Terrell Owens’ diet is one of the secrets to his incredible lean muscle mass. Proper nutrition is essential for muscle growth. TO stated that a healthy eating plan is just as important as the right exercise equipment and training plan.

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