Giants have made their way into the collective subconscious of isolated cultures throughout time. The Bible is again consistent with world mythology and the Giants of Genesis had turned the continent of Atlantis into a war zone and an abomination. Because it was in Eden that two hundred Fallen Angels descended and settled on the first Terrestrial Mount Herman. Noah’s flood was going to destroy the entire land of Eden. Mount Herman and the palaces of the Nephilim were to be destroyed in a violent cataclysm that would resonate in the annals of history as “The Fall of Atlantis.”

In Homer’s Iliad, the Trojan War takes place between the Greeks and the Trojan Trojans. Zeus and Apollo play “war” with humans in a battle over a Daughter of Adam. The gods intervene on behalf of both sides and during these times, the Earth was a living chessboard for their delight and pleasure. For thousands of years, humans believed that Troy was an imaginary city from ancient Greek mythology. The Roman poet Virgil wrote about it in the Aeneid. Ancient Greek historians Erastosthenes, Herodotus, and Duris of Samos published commentaries on the subject and Strabo, a Greek geographer, philosopher, and historian described the location and topography in Geographica. For thousands of years, the City of Troy was the archaeological “Holy Grail” and many throughout time have sought its discovery. It remained a myth for thousands of years until Heinrich Schliemann, a German businessman and archaeologist, discovered the infamous city in the 1870s. Schliemann was a self-made millionaire and after his retirement at age 41, Schliemann read and he traveled and eventually received his doctorate in 1869. He spoke and wrote in more than 13 languages ​​and his dissertation on his thesis for the location of Troy was written in ancient Greek. The most surprising thing about Schliemann was his declaration that he would find Troy, at the age of 8.

The battle for Helen was one of the many instances where the Divine Hybrids “Took Wives”. Genesis 4:16 says, “Lamech took two females.” This is not Noah’s father, but Cain’s great, great, great, great grandson. The Hebrew word used here means, “to take, obtain, and invokes the idea of ​​seizing or seizing a person or animal.” The Children of Eloheem also took wives for themselves. In Homer’s Iliad, Paris, a descendant of the god Zeus, attempts to steal Helen for his wife. So here we have a Hybrid Paris, trying to take a wife from the Mythological city of Troy. Schliemann finds Troy and any skeptic would say that even if Troy exists, it doesn’t mean the Fallen Angels oversaw a war to indulge Paris’s sexual desires for Helen of Sparta. But Schliemann proved that it existed and that its origins date back to 3500 BC.

Zeus rules the gods of this world and the Fallen Angels rule civilizations on all continents. Poseidon rules Atlantis and is the geographic capital of divine government on Earth. Atlantis, which gives its name to the Atlantic Ocean, was geographically located between Europe and the Americas. Known by many other names across cultures and continents, we have an unquestionably similar archetype in Eden. Yeheveh said that he would destroy all the earth, with a small “E”, as in, dirt. The submersion of a continent constitutes a total destruction of the soil.

The most fascinating evidence for the existence of Atlantis is an account by the Greek philosopher Plato. In his Timaeus, Plato recounts a dialogue between the Greek philosophers Socrates, Timaeus, and the politicians Critias and Hermocrates. In this story, Socrates poetically speaks of Athens as a perfect society. Critias then reveals to them that at its height, Athens faced its antithesis of a society, a naval power bent on conquering the world from its homeland of Atlantis. It is said that Solon, while in Egypt in the sixth century B.C. C., spoke with Egyptian priests who revealed the history of the war between Atlantis and Athens.

The Fallen Angels descended to Earth, to the continent of Atlantis, where they established a kind of Angelic Government whose headquarters they called Mt. Herman. The Garden of Eden was located in the western part of Atlantis when Cain was sent east, most likely in a sailing ship, across the ocean to the continent of Nod. Mount Herman was the highest point in Atlantis and a city, called Mount Olympus, was built there for the Fallen Angels to play God.

And it came to pass that when the sons of men multiplied, in those days beautiful and beautiful daughters were born to them. And the angels, the sons of heaven, saw them and desired them, and they said to one another: ‘Come, let us choose wives among the sons of men, and let us beget children.’ And Semjaza, who was their leader, said to them: ‘I am afraid that indeed you will not agree to do this act, and I alone will have to pay the penalty of a great sin.’ And they all answered him and said: ‘Let us all swear an oath, and bind ourselves by mutual imprecations not to abandon this plan but to do this thing.’ Then they all swear together and are bound by mutual imprecations on him.

The Book of Enoch VI: 1-5

Los Angeles were assigned to keep watch. They admired women from outer space and must have discussed it regularly. Semjaza indicates his interest because his response, as leader, was not to denounce them for crimes against the Kingdom; instead, he tells them that he wasn’t sure because he would “only” be punished for everything because he has authority over them. They understood where it came from and said that they were ready to place mutually binding curses on any Angel who abandoned the oath to descend to Earth and take wives. Thus they swore and descended and Yeheveh knew it.

And they were in total two hundred; who came down in the days of Jared on the top of Mount Herman, and called it Mount Hermon, because they had sworn and bound themselves by mutual imprecations upon it.

The Book of Enoch VI:6

Mutual imprecations means “evil curses” and Hermon is derived from one of two words that are spelled exactly the same way. They are “Haram” and “Herem”. Haram is a verb meaning “to destroy, condemn, or consecrate.” Herem is defined as a noun meaning things devoted, things devoted to destruction, devotion, things under prohibition, and cursed.”

The only difference between the two words are the vowel points that tell the reader what to think. They named this Mount Herman because they descended there and mutually swore an evil curse on anyone who left them. They descended to the Continent of Atlantis and established a kingdom and a council that would assign each Angel a territory with which to establish themselves as gods. Semjaza was their leader and is the most likely candidate for the god Zeus. The others were ranked below Semjaza and this order of authority existed on Earth. He and the other Fallen Angels are responsible for teaching humans specific divine “secrets” which to them were supernatural knowledge, but to Yeheveh, “worthless”. Enoch not only provides us with the names of the angels, but more importantly, he gives us the specific secrets they are accused of revealing.

And these are the names of their leaders: Semiazaz, their leader, Arakiba, Rameel, Kokabiel, Tamiel, Ramiel, Danel, Ezeqeel, Baraqijal, Asael, Armaros, Batarel, Ananel, Zaqiel, Samsapeel, Satarel, Turel, Jomjael, Sariel. These are the Heads of dozens.

The Book of Enoch VI:7

These 18 Angels each controlled 10 lesser Angels. These Angels descended upon Mount Herman and with Semjaza, recited the Defection Pledge to the others. The angels below are also charged with teaching secrets to humans.

And behold the names of the Angels and these are their names: the first of them is Samjaza, the second, Artaqifa, and the third, Armen, the fourth, Kokabel, the fifth, Turael, the sixth, Rumjal, the seventh, Danjal, the eighth, Neqael, the ninth, Baraqel, the tenth, Azazel, the eleventh, Armaros, the twelfth, Baterjal, the thirteenth, Busasejal, the fourteenth, Hananel, the fifteenth, Turel, and the sixteenth, Simapesiel, the seventeenth , Jetrel, the eighteenth, Tumael, the nineteenth, Turel, the twentieth, Rumael, the twenty-first, Azazel.

The Book of Enoch LXIX: 2

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