Mars, the warrior planet, is considered a natural malefic in both Vedic and Western astrology. The energy of Mars is hot, explosive and violent, hence the “evil” classification. There are many areas of life where this potentially destructive energy is not only beneficial, but necessary. Associating Mars with war is logical, because in battle, especially in ancient battles where the fight was face to face and often one on one, this explosive and murderous energy coupled with physical strength and courage is the main force.

Just remember that Mars’ influence outside of the battlefield is huge as well. Mars also directly rules professions such as marketing, medicine, technology, engineering, mechanics, competitive sports, and of course law enforcement and the military. Successful people in these professions generally have strong and well-placed Mars in their birth chart. When Mars is in a good place, in his own sign, in exaltation, in a suitable house, or in a “friendly” sign, he gives courage and the ability to rise up and fight back. In general, those with a strong Mars benefit greatly from losses and defeats as they come back even stronger.

When Mars is not in a favorable Planetary Position, it can cause unnecessary anger and aggression. The energy of Mars is concentrated and intense. This is not the energy needed for long-term continuous projects. Mars helps with short-lived bursts of energy, like standing up for yourself in a certain situation or mustering courage for a particular task. Mars, along with the Sun, Moon, Mercury and Venus is a “Personal Planet”. Due to their relative proximity, these planets rapidly change position in the sky, influencing daily life and short-term personal affairs.

Mars is also responsible for passion and sexual desires and urges. If the Planet is well placed, it translates into a healthy sexual desire and a positive attitude, if not, it can wreak havoc on personal relationships, especially when it comes to marriage.

Following the daily, or at least monthly, transits of Mars can provide very useful information, as this planet can really bring aggressiveness and cause explosive situations. As we are “social animals”, it is very important to avoid unnecessary confrontations, anger and violence. Because despite this inherent danger, Mars is also responsible for very positive and vitally important qualities, it is best not to fear the Warrior Planet, but to embrace its energies with care.

As Mars moves quickly through the Zodiac, it is possible to avoid certain periods of actions where this aggression can be harmful, without major inconvenience. These “perilous times” are short-lived. If Mars is well dignified in the natal chart, wearing red coral or red carnelian can bring success and wealth, as these gemstones channel the energy of Mars to increase self-confidence, courage, strength, and ability. of concentration.

The human mind has an incredible capacity to overcome difficulties. Just by understanding the energies of Mars, both the frightening ones and the wonderfully vibrant and alive ones, we can consciously change our attitudes and focus on the positive aspects of Mars. Misplaced Mars cannot be held responsible for bad temper and violence, once the Planetary Forces are understood, it is our choice to yield or resist. The main role of astrology is to understand these forces so that people can make informed decisions and choices to live a happier and more successful life.

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