Game testing, or more broadly, quality assurance testing, is the process of troubleshooting a video game before its final release on the market. Generally speaking, before a video game for any console is released, it must undergo continuous bug tracking and repair.

The bug tracking phase is performed by QA staff or game testers. Game testers are always separate from the equipment that codes or programs the game itself.

A game tester may not know how to code, but his experience is valued because he has the ability to observe, monitor and record errors that arise when the game code is put to the final test – the actual game. Sure, a game tester may be dealing with an object that is used for entertainment and personal enjoyment.

However, the work itself is the opposite. This is not to say that all game studios are horrible when it comes to quality assurance. However, you should be aware that, like other employees, game testers can be subject to certain pressures, such as deadlines.

Additionally, game companies and studios expect game testers to be able to produce bug reports on a regular basis. If you’re a game tester and you’ve only submitted two bug reports in your entire month at the company, don’t expect glowing praise from your superiors.

Here are some more important reminders to keep you afloat in the gaming testing industry:

1. Establish sustainable work routines. The life of a game tester isn’t very glamorous, and you’re not there for the game studio or company to keep you entertained or excited. In terms of personal motivation and efficiency, you have to create those things for yourself.

In short, don’t let the routine nature of your work take over. If you are working on a PC game, the amount of time it takes to fix most bugs will take a longer period of time compared to the time it takes to release an error-free version of a mobile game.

2. Learn to stick to specific details and requirements. These requirements can change from day to day, depending on what you are currently working on.

This is the main reason why it can be difficult to learn to test games just by reading programming languages ​​and playing even more video games. It’s not about those things at all. The process of identifying errors and documenting these errors is different from simply playing a game.

3. Improve your writing and documentation skills as much as possible! When you find bugs in the game you are working on, it is unlikely that you can just run to some programmer and tell them about it.

If this were the system companies used, no game would come out on time. It just takes too long, and the back-and-forth interaction between QA and scheduling will be too clunky.

That is why you must be excellent with your written communication skills, because this is how you will communicate with the scheduling department. Without good writing skills, you will not prosper in this field at all.

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