Coconut oil is one of the best natural hair treatments available. It has been a widely used hair care product in the coastal areas of the world, and the best thing is that it is natural and does not have any chemicals that can irritate the skin.

Coconut oil is a natural antifungal, making it a good dandruff treatment. It also strengthens hair and combats hair loss and aging. Helps reduce the appearance of split ends. It has a cooling and soothing effect on the scalp, which is good if you suffer from sweating and scalp boils. If you have lice, applying the oil to your hair before combing it with a fine-toothed comb will make it easier for the lice to come out.

It is also a very effective hair conditioner and tonic, especially for coarse and dry hair. Unlike most hair care products that only coat the surface of the hair, coconut oil is different and actually penetrates the hair, nourishing it from within. The lauric acid in this natural oil has a low molecular weight, which facilitates its penetration into the hair shaft. This organic oil is also great for locking in moisture and preventing hair from drying out.

Bonus tip: Rub some of the oil into your hands and use as a hair styling product. It melts in the heat of the scalp and hardens a bit when exposed to air.

People in India who have been using pure coconut oil since childhood have strong, jet-black hair even in old age. Shampoo manufacturers learned from them and added it to their products.

You will get the most hair benefits from natural coconut oils when you apply it to your hair.

If the oil is hard, melt it in the microwave or in a water bath. Don’t let it get too hot. Then apply a few tablespoons of the oil to your clean, damp hair, concentrating more oil on dry ends. Leave it on for thirty minutes or even overnight. Wrap a plastic shower cap, cling wrap, or old T-shirt around your head to prevent it from staining your pillowcases. Then wash your hair as you normally would.

You will find that your hair feels softer, smoother, shinier, less dry and more manageable. That’s the power of the almighty coconut in action!

As a hair treatment, it is highly versatile and easy to customize to suit your hair needs. You can add other nourishing hair products to it. For example, olive oil removes product buildup and strengthens hair. Egg yolk has many vitamins that rejuvenate dry hair. Yogurt cleanses and softens the hair. Almond oil reduces split ends and hair loss. The juice of the false daisy (Eclipta alba) leaf enhances the anti-aging ability of coconut oil. Just mix any of those natural products with coconut oil to make your hair treatment even better.

You can mix it with your favorite shampoo to make it more moisturizing and replace the oils lost from your hair during shampooing.

I hope I have shown you why and how to use coconut oil as a hair treatment.

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