Probably quite a bit, because the beauty of private practice is that you tailor it to your likes, dislikes, schedules, procedures, etc. Extraordinary practices communicate this to their patients and their community through effective “positioning.” But most offices never communicate this effectively, and therefore leave a huge marketing opportunity on the table. And I’m not talking about big money campaigns here, just what your staff and patients perceive, as to why they should be in your practice and refer patients to YOU!

So today, start weaving a common thread into staff meetings, patient newsletters (which you do every month, right?), and even your phone messages. The quickest way to do this is to make a list of what you enjoy most about the practice. After all, this should be about your own fulfillment, as well as excellence in patient care.

First of all, what is your favorite type or types of covers? What types of conditions it treats best, for example, and how patients identify them.

A good example here is scoliosis, asthma, or what other conditions you may excel at. Most of the staff are very attentive to this part and will be happy to help you.

Perhaps yours is a family doctor, and his focus is on sports injuries or nutritional advice. Therefore, he may use a statement such as “Local Athlete Preferred Practice,” “Ask about our “Energy Boost Programs,” or “We care about the whole family.”

Then use simple taglines that identify what makes you unique, such as “Dedicated practice for families”, “Early morning convenience”, or “Four nights a week until 7pm” (which is ours at HSG) in all your communications.

and advertising

This simple step will start generating more referrals to your practice, with very little spending $ or effort. Why not do it today? This is “Guerrilla Marketing” at its finest.

Finally, set up all marketing systems in your practice to be consistent with this, and make sure all systems are set up to be on autopilot, as part of your Perfect Practice Platform.

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