Thanks to computers and the Internet, there are now many ways to learn a foreign language. Even just 10 years ago, the main form was books and audio cassette tapes. However, today there are complete software packages created for people looking to learn a language from the comfort of their home.

Doing a Google search will return a variety of confusing results. There are so many to choose from that it can be quite confusing. I think that’s why a lot of people tend to go with what they see advertised, like the popular and iconic Rosetta Stone, whose yellow packaging is very recognizable and they have quite a bit of brand recognition. However, this course may not be right for you. It’s best to do your homework and do a little research on a few different courses.

So what should you be looking for?

Type of teaching method: Studies have shown that people often have different types of learning strengths. Some people do much better when they hear things. Others retain more information through what they have read. What type of learner are you? If you’re not sure, that’s fine. Most people are a mixture of both, although they are usually stronger in one or the other. Some courses are very audio-centric: Rosetta Stone, for example, is very audio-centric and emphasizes total immersion. This might frustrate some beginners or adults who need some guidance in English to help them explain various nuances. Other courses offer many media and games.

Who is the course written for? If you are a beginner, you should obviously not look for an intermediate level course. Also, if you’re trying to learn a language for a specific use, like a business profession, then you’ll want a course that teaches you those things; a crash course for travelers would not be appropriate. However, some people just want an overview so they can communicate with the locals on an upcoming trip. This is where a travel training course would be perfect.

Courses that emphasize usage: It’s been known that the absolute best way to learn a language is to get out there and use it! This means that the fastest way to success is to jump into the deep end right away. I even suggest getting a companion book that will help you learn how to do this, or at least motivate you.

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