Imagine you want to move a massive 4,000 pound mass of metal, plastic, rubber, and fiber from your home to your office. In other words, you want to drive your car to work. The main moving device you will need is a set of wheels. Since its invention over 6,000 years ago, this basic tool has made it easy to transport objects around the world. The original design of the wheel was a solid frame, until it was discovered that the spokes made it lighter and faster, therefore easier to use. While its design and aesthetics have evolved, the simplicity of its use remains the same. Provides mobility and progress.

As a leader, imagine yourself as the center of a wheel. Your ability to move forward with your initiatives depends on the strength and structural reliability of the spokes to which you are connected. These spokes need to be strong and firmly attached to both the hub and outer rim. The border, in essence, forms a circle around your leadership team; Define your inner circle. Others see you as a unit, the parts of which function effectively only insofar as they are put together.

Because you are only as strong as your weakest link, it is important to build and strengthen your inner circle. Think about these five key qualities you need in your “spokes” to support a strong wheel.

Alignment around the shared vision, mission, goals and objectives. These are the core philosophies of your “why,” which according to Simon Sinek is the purpose, cause, or belief that inspires you and your organization to do what you do. Involve your inner circle in discussions about the direction of your organization. They must fully understand each piece of the puzzle, to see the big picture. Make sure the communication channels are open for discussion, respectful disagreement, and ongoing dialogue to make sure everyone is on the same page. The point is that if there is disagreement around vision and mission, it is better to discuss it openly, rather than let it fester in the background. Such dissent will act like a cancer and undermine your plans.

teamwork and collaboration with all who bring complementary skills to the table. As of this writing, the Cleveland Cavaliers and Golden State Warriors are set to go to the 2015 NBA playoffs. But it’s not just the Cavaliers’ LeBron James who will be playing. The entire Cleveland team must play. Each man must perform according to his position and work with his teammates to win effectively. As talented and critical as LeBron is to the success of his team, he still can’t win the games and the championship by himself. So why do some leaders think they can play their part and everyone else’s too? As a center, you act as the coach or captain of the team. Everything comes together around you, but each person must stand out and perform their assigned function.

Integrity and standards of trust that hold everyone accountable. If the structural integrity of one of the spokes is below the minimum design quality, it will break, damaging the entire wheel system. These same structural limits apply to the behaviors of your inner circle. As a leader, you must model acceptable behaviors and clearly identify those that are inappropriate. This includes clarifying ethical and moral values, as well as daily behavior rules. And your team should know that any of them who violate these standards will be dealt with appropriately. Lack of confidence in any of these areas weakens the team structure.

Culture it’s about fitting in. When people are considering a new role, the first thing they want to understand is the culture of the organization so they can determine if they are a good fit. How do leaders work together? How are decisions made? How do you differentiate between just good and really great employees? What do people like and dislike about working there? Deliberately discuss, define, and develop the culture of your inner circle. When considering candidates to join your team, include members of your inner circle in the interview process to ensure your ability to work well together.

Develop and nurture the growth of your inner circle. Just like a wheel needs maintenance and the tire around it needs to be properly inflated, its inner circle needs maintenance and care. You need to nurture your growth and development, not just for succession planning, but for your own personal and professional development. Watch for signs of weakness and take quick action to shore it up. Take advantage of your strengths and talk about development opportunities. You may need to invest in a coach, find a mentor, or provide them with a key experience or development assignment.

All of these radios are also surrounded by the assumption that the team has the technical capabilities to perform their duties. That is the basic price of consideration to enter their inner circle. But skill and experience without the ability to function as a unit will hinder progress and negatively impact your business results. Similarly, if the wheel is not structurally sound, it will collapse under the weight of the load it is carrying. So take the time to examine the spokes of your wheel. What is your inner circle made of?

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