Chicago Public Schools have undergone a transformation designed to take the district’s gigantic high schools and turn them into more intimate, student-focused environments. Educators and administrators seem to like the concept. And wealthy philanthropists also think it’s a great idea. Various groups such as the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and the Carnegie Corporation have invested $26 million in the small school concept.

For urban areas like the Chicago Schools, there is plenty of research to support the idea that adolescent students do better in an environment where people know them and have regular contact with them. So more than 20 of the Chicago Schools have been transformed into high schools serving 500 students or fewer. Elementary schools have a limit of 350 students.
The recent controversy stems from the fact that the 2006 state test results for the Chicago Schools did not show the expected increase in test scores that everyone expected to see. But there were many positive effects. Teachers report that small schools have a climate that is better for teaching and learning. Dropout rates are lower and graduation rates are higher in Chicago schools that have switched to the new model. But what about test scores? If academics are not affected, do the smaller schools work?

My answer is- definitely. The fact that the school environment is changing is a big problem. Students who fail in Chicago schools generally live in low-income areas and have a history of failing in school. Therefore, getting them to attend school and graduate is an important first step. And even if those students graduate with low test scores or low grades, the high school diploma and the options it opens up can be life-changing. And an improved climate in Chicago Schools will also have long-term effects.

One of the greatest benefits of Chicago small schools is that it fosters relationships between teachers, students, and parents. This closer communication helps attendance rates because smaller schools are more likely to alert parents to student absences. The smaller schools could be the best Chicago Schools has done in years. That doesn’t mean it’s the complete solution, but it’s a great start.

As for why Chicago Schools did not show improvement on the Prairie State Assessment Test, it actually makes sense. Keeping low-performing potential dropouts in schools is likely to lower test scores overall. But that’s okay, because they’re where they belong and have a better chance in life than they would as dropouts. Chicago Schools students’ lifetime earnings increase progressively when they earn a diploma.
Every student in the Chicago Schools, and every child in the world, thrives when attention is paid to them and when they feel that someone cares about what is happening to them. Smaller schools just make sense. I hope the Chicago Schools have the common sense to keep them.

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