How does supermodel Kate Moss lose weight?

Kate Moss eats probiotic yogurt, toast and fruit for breakfast, and often grilled fish or chicken with vegetables for lunch and dinner. She also works out at the gym four times a week or goes for a run. She includes meditation and relaxation exercises and makes sure she gets enough sleep, otherwise her metabolism slows down.

How does supermodel Claudia Schiffer lose weight?

Claudia Schiffer says she needs to exercise and watch her diet to maintain her statuesque figure. However, she claims that she doesn’t really diet, instead she focuses on 3 sensible meals a day with lots of fruits and vegetables. She has fruit and tea with honey for breakfast and lunches chicken with vegetables or chicken or tuna salad. She does not drink alcohol or coffee, but instead enjoys the energy that comes from having a slim figure.

How does supermodel Heidi Klum lose weight?

Heidi Klum loves to eat oatmeal with fruit or berries for breakfast. She eats a large salad with chicken or pasta for lunch, and for dinner she usually makes wok stir-fries with cabbage, various vegetables and rice. She focuses on these three meals per day and avoids snacks in between, as well as alcohol.

How does supermodel Linda Evangelista lose weight?

Linda Evangelista has been quoted everywhere “I don’t diet. I just don’t eat as much as I’d like.” That first seems a bit counterintuitive, as not eating as much as you like equals dieting to some degree. However, it seems that Linda Evangelista is simply applying restraint. Actually, this is not the worst concept, especially when you think that overindulgence (gluttony) is one of the seven deadly sins, not only in the Christian faith, but probably also for your figure!

Conclusions: How do supermodels lose weight?

The supermodels eat mostly healthy foods with a focus on fruits and vegetables and some lean protein. They stay away from snacks and snacks and often avoid alcohol and coffee. They also include exercise to tone your body.

However, the most important common trait seems to be that they are not actually dieting and do not experience much change in their weight. They don’t need it, not so much because of a super metabolism, but because of the healthy and moderate eating habits that have made their lifestyle!

How does this information help you?

In this sense, supermodels can be a role model for you! Try to adjust your eating habits to achieve automatic correction of your weight. Right now, it might seem like you’re missing out if you have to give up snacks and junk food, but you’re not really. Once you’ve established your eating habits, you’ll miss junk food as little as a non-smoker misses the next smoke.

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