Kalanchoes are used as a very effective home remedy to treat various health problems. These plants have a great variety of elements. Kalanchoes are used to treat inflammations and facilitate the discharge of pus. In addition, these plants will help remove dead tissue from the wound and promote the healing process.

  1. Cut a kalanchoe leaf lengthwise and put it on a trophic ulcer, purulent wound, burn, eschar, inflammation, cracked nipple, stomatitis, gingivitis, etc.
  2. Kalanchoe juice is used to sprinkle on the wound and moisten the bandage (the bandage must be changed every day). When it comes to stomatitis, you need to heat the juice to 37 degrees Celsius and use it as a compress 3-4 times a day for 1-2 weeks. Leave the compress for 15-20 minutes.
  3. Mix 40 milliliters of kalanchoe juice, 60 grams of lanolin without water, 0.25 grams of furazolidone and 0.25 grams of novocaine. Use the ointment to treat skin inflammation. Also, you can use it for compresses.
  4. Drink kalanchoe juice to get rid of stomach and duodenal ulcer.
  5. Saturate a tampon with the juice and insert it into your vagina at night to treat a cervical ulcer.
  6. The juice of the plant can be used as a gargle to treat a sore throat.
  7. Drop kalanchoe juice into your nose to combat rhinitis and antritis.
  8. To treat hepatitis, you need to take 10 drops of the plant juice in a day.
  9. Drink a tablespoon of juice followed by a cup of tea to get rid of roundworms.
  10. The juice can be used to treat trophic ulcers in varicose veins and post-traumatic ulcers. Prepare a 45 layer thick gauze the size of the ulcer, saturate it with the juice and place on the ulcer.
  11. Mix kalanchoe ointment with hedge hyssop oil and rub the mixture on inflamed wounds or boils.
  12. To treat cracked nipples, simply drop some of the juice or apply a very thin layer of the ointment on your nipples after nursing. Repeat the procedure for 45 days or until such time as your nipples are treated.

To obtain the juice, you must wash the leaves well and reduce them to small pieces. You can also use new shoots located on the leaves of plants. Put the container with the leaves in the refrigerator for several days. Then rub the leaves and decant the juice. It is ready to use. However, you should not keep it for more than 2 days (even if you keep it in the refrigerator).

These plants contain exudates, vitamin C, micro and macro elements, such as aluminum, magnesium, iron, calcium, silicon, manganese and copper. The leaves contain organic acids, such as malic acid, citric acid, acetic acid, and oxalic acid.

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