Every woman wants the flawless skin seen on models in magazines and on television. Of course, models don’t have perfect skin because age, lifestyle, and environment leave their mark on every complexion. What models have are talented makeup artists and photographers to make their complexions flawless. Still, we all dream of having a clear, silky complexion, which is why we flock to makeup counters in department stores and frequent the aisles of facial products. We buy the goo laden with chemicals in the pretty bottles and hope for the best.

Why buy into media hype and glorified images when a handful of sugar can achieve the same result? Well, as close to perfection as any of us can get. Sugar is loaded with natural alpha hydroxy acids. When used as a face or body scrub, it leaves skin as soft and smooth as a baby’s bottom. It is cheap, natural, it can be used on all skin types, it is hypoallergenic and even edible. (In case your partner joins you in the shower).

I started using a homemade sugar scrub when I noticed my forty-four-year-old throat skin beginning to look its age. I’m outdoors a lot, so I’ll never have a porcelain complexion, but I was determined to make my skin look at least forty. He looked pretty good when he was forty.

I add a few drops of water to a handful of sugar and then mix it into a granulated porridge in my hand. Then I rub this mess all over my face and throat while I’m in the shower. I leave the scrub on while I shower to let the alpha hydroxy acids work their magic, and then rinse well. The result is silky smooth skin that is much clearer and more supple, and the scrub only cost me a dollar at my local 99 Cent store!

You can add many natural ingredients to sugar scrubs; lemon juice, tea tree oil (use pharmaceutical grade only and in small amounts) to heal blemishes, olive oil, oatmeal, coffee grounds, chamomile tea, or peppermint tea. These are just a few suggestions of the many ingredients you could use to create your own special sugar scrub blend.

Forget the fancy expensive creams with the pretentious names on the pretty bottles. For a facial cleanser that will breathe new life into your complexion, look no further than your pantry. Sugar is where it is, baby!

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