You may be surprised, but do you know that playing video games has its benefits? Science has shown that playing video games not only improves hand-eye coordination, but can also be beneficial to the gamer. As humans rely more and more on technology to facilitate their lifestyle, playing video games can also increase the chances of survival. Below are some amazing benefits and advantages of playing video games.

hand-eye coordination

It has long been shown that playing video games can improve hand-eye coordination. Gamers who play for longer hours, especially action video games or role-playing games, tend to have better focus and can locate their target faster than people who don’t play. In a study by researchers at Deakin University in Australia, they found that preschoolers who play interactive games tend to have better object motor skills than children who don’t.

multitasking ability

Various investigations reveal that gamers have the ability to allocate their mental resources, allowing them to make quick decisions and improve their problem-solving skills. They have the ability to engage in different tasks simultaneously and can switch between tasks to work on more demanding tasks without any difficulty than others who do not.

Improve health conditions

People who suffer from mental health problems and other medical conditions find that games help alleviate their health problems. In a study published in 2009 in the Annual Review of Cybertherapy and Telemedicine, people suffering from mental problems such as depression and stress may use activity to help them cope by distracting themselves and changing their perception or state of mind.

Improve social skills

Although some games may involve role-playing and are therefore single-player only, most games today are interactive, allowing you to socialize with other players not only locally but also globally. Some gamers become friends in real life thanks to the games that brought them together. Some companies also invite players to international events and become sponsors, allowing these players to become culturally and socially friendly.

Reverse Aging

Playing games can also help reverse aging. As the games require the use of cognitive skills, it helps gamers, especially the elderly, to improve their cognitive skills, such as abstract reasoning and memory, to play the game. Apart from this, it also helps older people to be happy and improve their mental well-being.

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