While the struggling Mets and Knicks make few headlines, bedbugs are making headlines again in New York City.

New York had reported 377 infestations in 2004, compared to just 2 in 2002 and 16 in 2003. Whether this is due to better reporting or a significantly higher number of cases is anyone’s guess, but it’s thought to be a bit of both. . Cases have been rising across the United States, but it is New York that is showing the most worrying trend.

And it’s not just about less prosperous areas. Hordes of bed bugs were found in duplex apartments on Park Avenue, and those living in a Riverside Drive co-op were forced to spend $20,000 to get rid of these bugs. Entomologists have identified the resurgence of bedbugs as a major concern attributed to the increased number of immigrant settlers arriving from third world countries, as well as increased travel activities and the use of less effective insecticides.

It’s also possible that new mattresses purchased at department stores have become infected with other things found near the new mattress. Since businesses agree to remove old beds and sofas when customers buy new ones, bed bug transfer is likely to occur.

Once they have entered a home, bed bugs can stick to clothing and this can result in transfer to neighboring apartments. Anyone who stays in any hotel is more likely to bring bed bugs home. Even some of the most popular and notable hotels in the US/New York have been reported to have infestations. In addition to this, bed bugs have also been found in private schools, in hospital maternity wards, and in the waiting rooms of a central New York hospital.

So who is the enemy?

Bedbugs (scientifically called Cimex lectularius) do not have wings unlike many other insects. They are brown in color and measure up to a quarter of an inch. Bed bugs are nocturnal parasites and are rarely active during the day. They are active when near human hosts, but only come out at night. Because of this, most people will only discover them once their population grows to many hundreds or even thousands.

While human blood is their favorite food, bed bugs also feed on the blood of cats, dogs, birds, or other mammals. Bed bugs have highly developed mouthparts that they use to bite through skin and suck blood. They normally only attack people when they are asleep.

Bed bugs will eat for as long as they have available. They will eat slowly and gorge themselves on human blood for a few minutes. They expand to three times their normal size once they fill with blood. But, due to the way they consume blood, humans usually don’t notice.

Bed bugs are not known to transmit disease and their bite only produces small red welts that dermatologists sometimes mistakenly identify as scabies or hives. An adult bed bug can live up to a year and a single female can lay up to 500 eggs.

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Increasingly, insecticides purchased at local hardware stores are becoming ineffective against bed bugs. They are becoming more and more resistant and resistant to insecticides over the years. It has also been found that using cockroach bombs only scatters them to different areas.

Pest control groups in the US and also in New York now advise people with bed bug infestations to wash and bag every piece of clothing from every infested room as part of any pre-extermination procedures. Any clothing or bedding that has been heavily infested should always be thrown away, as they cannot be safely sprayed with insecticides. Clutter needs to be cleaned up ahead of time, as spaces cluttered with belongings will only slow down the inspection and treatment process.

Also, bed frames, cabinets, and dresser drawers may need to be cleaned, as various chemicals will be used in the treatment and you will need them to get into all the corners.

Despite the many ways to combat bed bugs, people must come to terms with the fact that they are back and will continue to be in the Big Apple.

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