So you’ve been trying for a while and all that happens is one guy after another. Sure you love all the boys with all your heart, but something is missing; you desperately want to conceive a girl. For some families it just doesn’t seem natural to not have some sort of balance there. Regardless of what your reasons are for wanting a girl, there are a few steps you can take to increase your chances.

You can always go to a specialist who will take one of your eggs and your partner’s sperm to create a fertilized egg that will give you a girl. But this procedure is expensive and there is a possibility that the implantation of the egg will not even take place. However, with the right knowledge, you can increase your chances of having a girl in a more natural way.

Your partner’s sperm consists of two types. One of them will give you a boy while the other will give you a girl. What you will need to do is create the right conditions that will give the female sperm a better chance of fertilizing an egg.

Unlike male sperm, female sperm can stay in the vagina for several days without dying. For this reason, the first thing you can do to increase your chances of having a girl is to have intercourse 3 to 5 days before your ovaries release an egg. Male sperm will never last that long.

You will need a tester known as an ovulation predictor that will tell you when you will release your egg. Try to get one that is as accurate as possible because if it misses a couple of days, you could be giving the male sperm a chance to fertilize the egg.

You also don’t want your vagina to be a comfortable place for male sperm. They can’t stand being in high PH conditions. With the help of PH test strips, you can monitor those levels and if a boost is needed, you can take a shower which will work quickly.

Make sure that for the two days before the egg is released and on the day of ovulation, you do not have intercourse to ensure that no male sperm have a chance to fertilize the egg.

Also be sure to inform your partner not to ejaculate all the way. You want the sperm to have to swim the distance and the female sperm is the high endurance long distance swimmer of the two. When everything is done right and accompanied with the right knowledge, you can increase your chances of having a girl with ease.

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