Health Fitness

A Brief Overview of the Ketogenic Diet

The ketogenic diet, colloquially called the ketogenic diet, is a popular diet that contains high amounts of fat, adequate protein, and low carbohydrate content. It is also known as the low-carbohydrate, high-fat diet (LCHF) and the low-carbohydrate diet. It was formulated primarily for the treatment of epilepsy that does not respond to medications for the disease. The diet was originally

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Health Fitness

How to feed fish with peas: What is on the fish menu?

Is your fish struggling to swim upright? Overeating, a poor diet, or improperly prepared foods can cause constipation. A lack of fiber in the diet can also create blockages in the digestive tract. These blockages can put weight on the swim bladder, causing erratic swimming. In severe cases, your fish could completely lose balance and swim upside down! Fancy goldfish,

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Health Fitness

Some ideas of healthy lunches to lose weight

For those looking to lose weight, they know that it can be a challenging process. Some struggle to start the process, while others struggle to keep up the hard work. They may reach a peak where they don't lose any more weight and aren't sure how to increase their progress. Others just don't know where to start. The other struggle

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Health Fitness

Weight Loss Surgery Patients: Don’t Let Dumping Syndrome Ruin Your Summer Celebration

Summer is a time to celebrate warm weather, sunshine, good friends, and good times, often with food and drink. But for people with weight-loss surgery, the celebrations carry the potential for a dietary crisis called dumping syndrome that has the potential to ruin a day of good old-fashioned summer fun. Gastric dumping syndrome, or rapid gastric emptying, is a condition

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Health Fitness

Bakugan Hydranoid Review

Hydranoid is a one-headed tyrant, and was the most omnipotent bakugan, until Dragonoid evolved into Delta Dragonoid. Hydranoid was at the base of its development, in 450G. In stores, or even on eBay, they're extremely rare, and I didn't realize they were actually for sale until I saw them on the Bakugan wiki. Hydranoid is a master of Darkus combat,

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Health Fitness

Is there guaranteed weight loss?

Guaranteed weight loss is not a lie if it is propagated through the right means and if weight loss is achieved through healthy and feasible ways. Most of us are frustrated with our weight problem because we barely follow a diet program sustainably and most diets just don't work for us. This is primarily one of the reasons why we

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